Thursday, August 16, 2018

Guest Bedroom Reveal and Spring!

I'm still trying to catch up from the lack of blogging, but it's been fun to look back and recap. We had a beautiful spring when it finally came!

There were lots of hikes with Manny admiring all the beautiful trees and enjoying the sunshine after a long winter.

All the flowers blooming made my heart so happy.

Manny is pretty popular in our neighborhood, lol!

It's exhausting being so cute and popular.

The sky each morning just takes my breath away. What a wonderful world!

We took a trip downtown for a river walk and admired the street art.

Enjoyed some date nights out.

Hosted a few girls nights.

And loved having our coffee outside again. It's a favorite for sure!

The biggest thing we did this spring was decorate our guest bedroom and guest bath so it was comfortable for my parents to stay in.

I found everything at Big Lots. Amazon, and Burlington. I'm obsessed with the pineapple theme and found out later it's a symbol of hospitality. How perfect!

Who knew Burlington and Big Lots would have such cute stuff? And cheap! SCORE! It was so much fun to decorate (after scouring Pinterest) and this room just makes me so happy.

It was a full and happy and beautiful spring. Life is good!

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