Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Life Lately

The flowers this time of year are just insane. They make my heart so happy! I wish summer never ended. It's definitely my favorite season.

G has been making some killer meals lately. Grilled chicken. Brats. Pesto Pasta. Tacos. But then other nights we just eat popcorn for dinner. It's all about balance.

Our little town had a festival this past weekend. It was fun walking around and people watching. They had a fun car show going on and it was neat checking out the cute cars.

So pretty.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. My little town is a Hallmark movie. LOVE.

Manny was wiped out after our walk around the festival. He was quite the popular attraction and got lots of attention so naturally he was in heaven. Later that evening we set up beach chairs in our backyard and watched the fireworks.

I saw more deer on my walk with Manny. Two babies and a mama. So cute!

This past weekend was relaxing and just nice to recharge our batteries. We cleaned the house. Took long hikes with Manny. Explored the festival. Drank Oberon on the deck. Read and binged How to get Away with Murder. Perfection.

I received the most thoughtful gift when I came in to work yesterday. I've heard amazing things about this book so I'm excited to dig in. I love a sparkling fresh journal and colorful pen and I have my first essential oil! I've struggled with allergies so much this summer so I'm excited to try this out!

That's life lately.

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