Thursday, August 17, 2017

Life Lately

My birthday was on a Tuesday this year (lame!), but G and I took half days and my parents came out and we celebrated. We met at one of my favorite restaurants for champagne and a yummy lunch.

After lunch we headed back to the house to hang out for a bit before walking downtown to the Farmer's Market.

Then we ate dinner at another one of my favorites in our little town square. We ordered a bunch of appetizers and wine flights and had the best time. It was definitely an experience! We ended the night with ice cream on our walk back to the house. What a perfect birthday!

We met up with friends at one of our favorite Mexican restaurants in our little town. The food is amazing and the sangria margaritas are insane!

These flowers on our hike with Manny last weekend were just too pretty not to share. LOVE.

Do you know how hard it is too find a "G" coffee mug?! Stinking hard! But Target came through! We love our new mugs and enjoyed coffee on the porch Sunday morning and it was everything.

Last weekend we walked downtown for dinner. $3 Bloody Marys? Okay!

They had amazing fried pickles and they went really well with the Bloody Mary. It was a fun date night!

The sunsets have been so pretty lately.

I played Yahtzee for the first time a few weeks ago (more on that tomm) and am now obsessed with it. G has never played it either so he bought it for us. So sweet!

Biggby with a coworker is always a nice break from work.

I met up with some girls I used to work with and have not seen in ages and it was so nice to catch up. We met for breakfast which is my favorite meal of the day. We had a nice three hour meal laughing, deep conversation, and life updates. It was so good for the soul.

I went to lunch with a coworker to escape the office for a bit and take advantage of my birthday coupons.

Ever since I received my new dining room table I have done a ton of hosting. I think we are hosting two dinners a week which has been so fun. I decided I didn't want to do a housewarming party because it stressed me out too much. So I am hosting small, intimate gatherings and it has been so life giving.

Or we meet friends at our favorite Mexican place and eat dinner and then they come back to the house for a tour and more conversation. It's been fun! I'm proud of myself for being more relaxed in my entertaining style and doing what works best for everyone. Sometimes it's getting pizza. Sometimes it's cooking or throwing something in the crock pot. The important part is being together. Authentic, deep conversation and sharing life together.

We had friends over that had just returned from a vacation in France. It was fun hearing about their trip and catching up. They even brought Lavender Honey from France that we paired with cheese and bread. Oh my goodness, it was heavenly!

I am super obsessed with the Aldi brand sparkling water. It tastes just like La Croix. Highly recommend! See also: I big, puffy heart Aldi.

I had a power day with my mom the other day. I took a day off work and had a dermatologist  appointment, hair appointment (chopped three inches off!), dentist appointment (still cavity free since '83) and sprinkled in ice cream, lunch, and grocery shopping with my mom. It was productive, but a really fun day!

My company is part of the Great Game of Business and we play mini games to save the company money, be more efficient, etc. I just finished a mini game and our prize was an afternoon out to lunch and the movies with coworkers. It was so much fun! We saw Spiderman which was cute, but the action scenes were disappointing. But you can't lose when movie theater popcorn is involved.

Last night we celebrated a promotion I got at work with a delicious and smooth fancy bottle of Rose.

So that's life lately. Whew! It's been full and fun. What's new with you?

1 comment:

  1. I see what you mean about the blog hack when I see your blog from my laptop, bummer!! anyway, glad you had a good birthday, birthday twin! And congrats on your job promotion! Looks like a fun place to be :)
