Friday, August 18, 2017

Fourth Annual Girls Weekend Getaway

A few weeks ago we had our fourth annual girls weekend getaway. You can check out the last few years here, here and here. It is always a weekend I look forward to!

We drove up to the lake house Thursday evening after work. It only took an hour and forty minutes from my new house so I'm wanting a lake house up here now too!

Stocked fridge, check!

It was a small group this year, but it was perfect. We solved life's problems, got honest about what we are struggling with, shared what we love most about each other and laughed a lot. It was so good.

We got in around 9:00 and poured wine, ate cheese and crackers and talked until 1:00 in the morning. Love it!

Friday morning we slept in and then drank our coffee on the porch. It was sunny for a bit, but cold. I don't think it got warmer than 70 degrees which was a bummer. But we drank endless amounts of coffee and talked all morning long.

We came into the house for lunch. Deb always makes the best food and this year was no exception. She truly is the hostess with the mostess.

After lunch we hiked around the lake.

Shortly after we got back it started to down pour so we read on the porch all afternoon and it was perfection. So relaxing.

It pretty much rained the rest of the day so we came in and made dinner. I didn't snap a picture, but Deb made salmon with potato bites and stuffed mushrooms. AMAZE. Then we played board games. Lots of board games all evening and it was so much fun. I haven't played board games in so long!

Saturday looked a lot like Friday. We slept in. Drank coffee and had a long, leisurely morning on the deck talking. Then Deb made Bloody Marys and they were so good.

We walked around the lake and the sun came out and it was getting warm! I think the high was about 73 degrees, but the sun was out. So we put on our suits and spent the day at the beach laying in the sun and playing Truth or Dare.

Before we packed up to make dinner I made the girls swim with me. It was supposed to rain on Sunday so this was our only chance and I was not going to leave our girls weekend without getting in the lake at least once! They were troopers, and it ended being freezing cold. So refreshing, though. And one of my favorite memories of the whole weekend.

We showered and warmed up from the lake (ha!) and Deb made dinner. This night we had chicken, mushrooms, peppers and carrots marinated in Italian dressing. So good!

We did shots after dinner because girls lake weekend tradition.

Then we played more board games. We played Yahtzee again and I had to snap a picture because the only two times I have ever played I got Yahtzee! both times. No one could believe it. So funny!

We ended the evening watching Beauty and the Beast and calling it a night a little after 1:00 in the morning.

Sunday we slept in and drank coffee on the deck. It was supposed to be the worst day of all with rain all day, but it was sunny and 76 degrees so we put on our suits and floated on the lake for a few hours before heading home.

What a perfect weekend! I had a blast with some of my favorites. We ate good food. Talked about everything. Played lots of board games. Even got in some swimming and floating despite the less than ideal weather. Can't wait for next year!

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