Tuesday, August 15, 2017

July Goal Review

I setgoals for the year and check in each month to see how I did. I don’t know where July went, but lets see how I did!
1.   Follow Weight Watchers. I am officially changing this goal to Eat Intuitively. I am currently reading Intuitive Eating byEvelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch. It is changing my life. Here is the overview on the book:
“First published in 1995, Intuitive Eating has become the go-to book on rebuilding a healthy body image and making peace with food. We've all been there—angry with ourselves for overeating, for our lack of willpower, for failing at yet another diet. But the problem is not us; it's that dieting, with its emphasis on rules and regulations, has stopped us from listening to our bodies. Written by two prominent nutritionists, Intuitive Eating will teach you:

• How to reject diet mentality forever
• How our three Eating Personalities define our eating difficulties
• How to find satisfaction in your eating
• How to feel your feelings without using food
• How to honor hunger and feel fullness
• How to follow the ten principles of "Intuitive Eating",
• How to achieve a new and safe relationship with food and, ultimately, your body”

I’m already five chapters in and everything is clicking. It’s not new information, but I wasn’t ready to receive the information before. Now I’m receptive and ready to listen and follow along. I had no idea how stressful it was to log points and decide how to use my points, but the freedom to not log points and eat what I crave is giving me life right now.


2.    Be intentional with the relationships in my life. Check! We spent almost every weekend of July with family and it was so good. We had cookouts, Bennett’s first birthday party and a family reunion. My brother was in town and everyone came to see the new house. It was a busy month, but so nice to see all my favorite people so often. G had a work party and it was so much fun to see my old coworkers and catch up. There was also a good balance of rest during the week for reading, taking baths, walking downtown with G, trying new restaurants in our area, and sitting on the deck recharging. I also hosted my first girls’ night at the new house and it was so much fun. I love giving house tours!

3.    Read three books a month. This just didn’t happen. I turned in my library books to my old library and have not checked out my new library yet. I’m dying to check it out, but my mom gave me a bunch of magazines so it’s been fun to unwind to magazines lately. I’m sure it’s just a season and I’ll be itching to get sucked into a novel soon.


4.    Move fifteen minutes a day. I’ve been walking Manny two to three miles a day and it’s a great habit we created at the new house. Every morning I listen to a podcast and walk him 1.5 miles and after work I get home before G so I’ll take him for another half mile to a mile walk. On the weekends G and I have a three mile route we love to take him on and it is quickly becoming our favorite weekend tradition. I also incorporated one day of weight lifting each week and hope to increase to two days per week in August.

5.    Do one thing that inspires you every day. Check! Walking Manny and being mindful of the sunshine, flowers, birds and clouds inspired me each morning. Watching the sunset each night inspired me. Watching How I Met Your Mother with G and laughing really hard inspired me this month. Lighting a candle and throwing in a Bath and Body Bath Bomb and reading a magazine with pretty pictures and motivational articles inspired me. Making a Happy Board at work inspired me and still makes me smile daily.

6.    Find a new church community. Our weekends were a bit jam packed this month (see #2), but we did manage to put together a list of churches we want to try. We also have a few friends who want to join us at one of the churches so I need to get that on the calendar next month.

7.    Read the Bible and write in my prayer journal every day. I have been reading on my Bible app most days and saying my prayers on my afternoon walks and on my drive into work. I just haven’t felt settled with moving, unpacking and then having to shop for a new car. But all that is over and things are slowly feeling like our new normal which is so nice. I’m ready to get back into this habit in August.


8.    Do one house project a month. We unpacked 90% of the house and purchased enough furniture to get by for a while so I’ll call that a win. Buying furniture is so much fun! And decorating is even more fun, but if I don’t love something I don’t hang it or purchase it. That being said, it is a slow process. But the house is looking more “us” and we don’t have to live on patio furniture anymore so that is a huge step forward.
How did you guys do?

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great month Lindsey! I'm glad you're able to find a good balance in all things :) I love walking with August, our neighborhood backs a park and I love praying, or listening to my bible app and enjoying the breezes and views. And great exercise too!
