Thursday, July 13, 2017

Weekend Recap

This past weekend was much more low key than Fourth of July weekend!

The weekend started with seeing a double rainbow! So cool.

We went out to dinner in our cute little town. This place has THE BEST burgers. 

Saturday morning we walked downtown, through the river trails and looped back into our subdivision.

It's almost 3 miles and it tires Manny out. It is such a pretty walk.

We did lots of deck sitting this weekend as well. It was gorgeous weather. I almost read an entire book out there which was so restful and relaxing.

We had heard amazing things about this Mexican restaurant in town so we checked it out. Holy yum! It was so delicious. We ended the week with margs because when your week starts with a deer totaling your car you have to!

We set up our new beer fridge in the basement! We did a little bit of yard work too, but mainly we rested this weekend. We were tired from the crazy week. 

Sunday we walked the same route we did the day before. It's quickly becoming our weekend hike, but this time we stopped for coffee. 

After our walk we shared a TJ quiche and hung out on the deck for a while. 

After a restful day of catching up on our shows (yay for having cable back!) we walked downtown for happy hour. We sat on the patio and enjoyed legit beer and pizza. Such a fun weekend!

On Monday Bennett Charles turned one! I can't believe it has been a year. I cannot even imagine life without that sweet face.

In other news we went car shopping and ended the evening with Chinese food. We are still scoping the best Chinese place by the new house and this was good, but not our favorite.

I'm loving this Dunkin' Donuts S'mores coffee. OMG. So good!

In other news the sunsets have been beautiful lately.

But the sunrises have been even better.

So that was our weekend/week. What's new with you?

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