Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Highs and Lows

I love Tina's highs and lows posts so I decided to do one today. Here is a recap of our fourth of July weekend with the highs and lows.

HIGH: My parents came to visit the new house. We took them to lunch to thank them for helping us move. 

LOW: We wanted to take my parents to our new favorite restaurant, but they were only serving brunch and that is not my parents' jam. We went to a bbq place instead and the food was great, but the service was pretty awful.

HIGH: We came back to the house and walked downtown for ice cream.

HIGH: We continued walking and exploring the trails on a beautiful summer day.

LOW: Our cable and internet package was delayed so we went another few days without. It wasn't a huge deal, but G was looking forward to it. I've been reading and we have watched a few movies so I didn't miss cable like I thought I would.

HIGH: We went to a cook out at Eric and Jess'. It was a gorgeous day! We talked, laughed, hung out with the kiddos and ate outside. 

HIGH: We had a Frozen singalong with Ella. So hilarious and so much fun!

HIGH: We stocked up at Trader Joe's on the way home. It had been too long!

LOW: A deer literally ran into G's driver side door while we were driving on the highway. I was texting and just heard a loud noise and noticed the airbags went off. Honestly, I thought we had a flat tire because I smelled rubber (which must have been from the air bags?). It was like in the movies when something traumatic happens and everything goes silent and in slow motion. G was amazing. He calmly explained a deer hit us and asked me to call 911 while he pulled onto the shoulder.

HIGH: We weren't hurt at all. Not even a scratch. That is such a blessing and we are so thankful and we don't take that for granted. The cop couldn't believe we were okay. I never saw the deer and G just saw his head at the very last second, but apparently he was huge. A car even pulled up while we were waiting for the cop and made sure we were okay because he said the deer was so big. Major thanks to G's excellent driving and calmness in a stressful situation and the Chevy Equinox for keeping us safe.

HIGH: There was a gorgeous sunset and fireworks as we waited for the cop and tow truck. Also, the cop and tow truck driver could not have been friendlier! Everyone was so gracious and helpful. My parents were our heroes and picked us up and took us home.

HIGH: It was stressful and scary and we were shaken, but something that makes me laugh about the whole thing was after we got out of the car to check out the damage. G went to open his door and the door handle came off in his hand. HA! 

LOW: The car was determined a loss and will be totaled. Wah wah. Sure didn't expect to buy a new house and a new car at the same time, but it is what it is!

HIGH: We were just about to get new tires and new brakes on this car so I'm thankful we didn't put the money into it yet. PHEW.

HIGH: More hiking with Manny on the trails. Feeling extra thankful to be alive and well and not in a hospital bed nursing injuries.

LOW: We are down to one car, but we carpooled before so it isn't that big of a deal.

HIGH: Our insurance company has been amazing. So helpful and easy to work with. What a blessing!

So that was our eventful holiday weekend! Lots of highs and lows!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Kinda funny "a deer hit us" not vice versa! It's crazy the car is a loss, but I think it's a big deal when the airbags are deployed. Glad you guys are ok, probably poor deer not so much :(
