Friday, August 14, 2015

Fit Friday!

I saw this and it was a good reminder to me this week. This week I didn't lose anything and I've been stuck at 22 pounds for over a month. Talk about frustrating! But even though I don't feel capable I am. Even though I don't feel brave I am. Even though I don't feel significant I am. Losing isn't everything. I will get past this plateau eventually. I've lost 22 pounds before and I can lose 22 more. I just need to get stricter with the eats. Run a bit more than I walk. I got this.

Workouts this week:

Sunday - 30 Day Shed and 45 min walk with Manny
Monday - 30 min walk with Manny and walk an hour on lunch
Tuesday - 30 Day Shred, 30 min walk with Manny and walk an hour on lunch
Wednesday - 30 min walk with Manny and walk an hour on lunch
Thursday 30 Day Shred, 30 min walk with Manny and walk an hour on lunch
Friday - 30 min walk with Manny and walk an hour on lunch
Saturday - Rest

I'm happy with my workouts this week. I've been following Jen's advice and just listening to my body and doing what feels right on that particular day. And most days walking Manny feels right. Or running with Manny. Or changing it up and doing The Shred.

I'm glad I incorporated some 30 Day Shred into the mix. I did Level 1 with ten pound weights. WOOF. My arms still hurt. I forgot how much I enjoy dripping in sweat after an intense workout. 

The weather is still perfect so I love walking Manny. He is getting so much better on our walks. It turns out he loves sourdough bread. He loves it enough to sit and stay while another dog walks past us. This is HUGE. It's a miracle, actually.

Eats this week:

My Sunday morning treat is a TJ chocolate croissant. It's the BEST.

The rest of my week breakfasts have been a slice of sourdough with 2 eggs in a cup with 1/4 cup cheddar. So good and it keeps me full until noon.

Rice pilaf and falafel with hummus. A favorite I haven't had in a long time. It fed me for four meals. Can't beat that!

Sushi. I'm so obsessed right now. 

The sweet girls in HR brought us ice cream. I had a Snickers blizzard and it was incredible. And I had enough self control to eat this in 3 different sittings. Success!

I'm on a bit of a sandwich kick. I could seriously eat this TJ sourdough bread all day everyday. It's that good.

Watermelon protein shake for afternoon snacks.

Monday night we went to our good friends' house for dinner. We had salmon, potatoes, asparagus and rolls. So delicious!

I also had my first French 75 and it's pretty much the best drink ever.

The rest of my dinners have been a veggie burger with rice and hummus or a Sandwich Thin and Laughing Cow. With a side of Brussels not pictured. I buy Dr. Praeger's and they are so good!

How have you been doing? 

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