Friday, July 11, 2014

Fit Friday!

I had one of those breakthrough weeks. The first breakthrough was when I realized what I weigh is such a small piece of who I am and therefore I can be happy NOW. Mind Blown. 

The second breakthrough came on Monday and it came just as unexpectedly as the first one.  I was just walking Manny Monday evening listening to this podcast and I had so many "Ah Ha!" moments. It was all about honoring God through your eating habits and it was so enlightening to me. It was also just so refreshing to hear Stefan talk about her struggle and I just felt we were kindred spirits. I realized eating is a heart issue. I can do Weight Watchers or count calories, but those are just band aids for the REAL issue. These tools may work in the moment, but they won't lost a lifetime because they aren't addressing the root of the issue. Eating had become a way to numb. If I had a rough day or even if I was celebrating, I would eat to numb what I was feeling. 

I needed to hear that we NEED to feel. I need to be brave enough to call on God when I am tempted with food. I need to rely on him to satisfy me and to get me through a hard day. I need to find the balance. I liked how Stefan talked about her balance for eating was on the usual, routine days she would eat for nutrition. Eat for energy. It may not be the most delicious or richest food, but it would give her the fuel to live her day and be the best she could be. On days celebrating with family or hosting friends she would indulge. I think that is a pretty good balance.

With that being said, I had a really great week. I wasn't obsessed over food. It wasn't the end all be all. I tried to focus on nutrition and also on not being deprived. I walked Manny every day for 45 minutes and walked at lunch as well. I plan to do Insanity Saturday and Sunday morning.. 

Breakfast has been a Jimmy Dean Egg White and Bacon sandwich with a cup of blueberries and strawberries. Ahhhh I missed bacon. Hit. The. Spot.

Lunch has been my favorite thing ever lately. I think it will be my lunch for the next few months because I'm that obsessed with it. A Morning Star Chicken Patty with Laughing Cow Cream Cheese wrapped in romaine lettuce. Amazing!! I also eat a side of carrots, celery or sugar snap peas. I also pair it with 2 Quaker Oat Chocolate Rice Cakes. YUM.

My snack has been a KIND bar. Seriously, the almond and coconut bar is a game changer. I'm addicted and I buy these in bulk when I see them on sale. LOVE!

Monday night we had leftover pulled pork nachos and they were incredible. After dinner I had a little wine and did some magazine reading on the deck. Perfection.

Tuesday night we had Qudoba. I had a coupon and had been craving it. I had the Naked Burrito with rice, black beans, grilled chicken, and lettuce with salsa. SOOOOO GOOD. 

Wednesday night we had Food Network Slow Cooker Pot Roast. I have always wanted to use red wine in a recipe so I googled pot roast recipes until I found one. It was so delicious. I don't know why red wine makes the meat taste 100 times better, but it does. Also? I felt so fancy using red wine in a meal. I may or may not have sung I'm so fancy by Iggy Azalea all evening long. 

Thursday night we had leftover Pot Roast. Tonight we are grilling on the deck. We have chicken marinating in Italian dressing and corn on the cob. 

How are you all doing?

1 comment:

Lauren said...

YUM! We love Qdoba! such a light, fresh meal!

And good for you having those breakthrough moments...sounds like you're on the right track for sure!