Monday, April 8, 2013

Menu Monday

Of course I'm happy I lost last week, but I need to step it up. It is going to be a really long journey if I don't. All that to say, my menu is going to look a little boring this week. A little bit more South Beach friendly to up the ante a bit.

Sunday - Broccoli and Cheese Quiche

Monday - Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad with Ken's Lite Caesar salad dressing


Tuesday - Beef and Bean Chile Verde

Wednesday - Leftovers


Thursday - SkinnyTaste's Baked Chicken with Dijon and Lime


Friday - Light Peanut Sauce with Rice Noodles

I'm trying to incorporate more lean protein into my diet. The weather has been really nice lately so it is easier to grill outside and walk after dinner. It feels so good to get fresh air! I have also heard great things about rice noodles so I wanted to try them out this week. Have you tried rice noodles? What's on your menu this week?

1 comment:

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

A loss is a loss no matter how small! I know it can be frustrating to not see the pounds fall off, but try and remember it's the overall count that counts!