Thursday, February 7, 2013

Perfect Day

At work we are reading through Jason Womack’s book Your Best Just Got Better about how to be the most productive you can be. It is actually extremely interesting. I especially liked his prologue describing his perfect day. Back in 1995 his mentor told him to write about the best way to wake up that would lead to a great day. I liked his answer a lot. So much that I was inspired to write about my own beginning of the perfect day.

I wake up without an alarm after a restful, peaceful sleep next to Garth. The sun is trying to sneak through the shades of our bedroom on a warm, summer day. Our sweet pup follows me down the stairs of our house as I start the coffee. Garth comes down and makes the coffee and we sit on our deck and talk, laugh, and enjoy each other’s company.

We take our little pup for a walk around the neighborhood and then make breakfast together in our newly renovated kitchen (a girl can dream, right?!) and eat together. After breakfast we settle in on our couch and read together.

After about an hour and a half of lazily reading together we go for a nice two mile run in the subdivision and enjoy the sunshine on our faces and the warm air as the feet hit the pavement. We breathe in the crisp summer air and talk about the day ahead.

That is a beginning of a perfect day to me. What does your perfect day look like?

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