Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I have done my share of diets over the years:
Slimfast: Sure it worked, but I was starving all. the. time.
Weight Watchers: It was great, but counting points was a PAIN.
Apple Diet: It worked and I felt good. But as it turns out, eating 9 apples a day is quite disgusting. I couldn't LOOK at an apple for quite a while after that.

The diet I find works best for me is just counting calories (1200-1500 a day) and working out for an hour a day, 6 times a week. It is relatively easy when motivated and a pain when I'm not.
Well, lately I have NOT been motivated which resulted in bad choices and no food logging. It came out of frustration since, after losing 14lbs., I cannot seem to drop another single pound. And while I do enjoy being 14lbs. lighter, I want to lose 10 more. My new motto is, "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels." Brilliant, right? I didn't come up with it though - credit goes to the book "Cinderella Rules."
So, in preparation to lose the last 10, Garth and Iare doing this strict 3-day diet. It isn't the easiest, but it does work. We did this before and lost 5lbs. right away. I think seeing the numbers on the scale drop will help me to be more disciplined and see results. It also helps us with portion control. And some may argue that we will gain it right back after the diet is over, but that is just not the case. We did this to jump start our first "lifestyle change" and continued to lose after the diet.
I'm on day 2 of the diet and it is going well. I feel great and not restricted. But I know from experience that the third day is the hardest. Dinner to be exact. You only eat veggies and from 6p.m. to bed time are extremely difficult. But it was worth the weigh-in results in the morning. I'll keep you posted!


Melissa said...

Good luck! I always admire your dedication!!

- Sarah :-) said...

You're a strong strong woman... much stronger than me!

Erin said...

You can do it! Keep us posted!

Sarah Rosemary said...

Good luck! Perhaps drink a lot of tea, that also works to fill me up. Lipton has this really great caramel truffle black tea that could function as a "dessert."

Lauren said...

Good luck girl, I know you can do it :)

Anonymous said...

You can do it! Also, can you post this diet so others can enjoy? :)

I'm on the counting calories train...but it's a slow moving one!

The New Mrs. S said...

Counting calories is what works best for me. I'm still trying to lose the baby weight. Ugh. Sounds like you are doing well. Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

Good luck sister. I try really hard too. Counting my calories and working out helps me, but like you said - you have to be motivated.

Kayla said...

Good luck! Don't get frustrated though, you've hit a plateau and it will take a while to lose the extra 10 lbs. If you've been doing the same workout routine, try switching it up a bit. Once your body gets use to a certain routine, it falls into place and doesn't have to work as hard (even though it might still feel hard) can't wait to hear how this 3 day challenge goes!

ELP said...

Good luck!!!!

Jon and Steph said...

You seriously rock! Good luck with the dieting. I'm SOOO bad at it. Definitely keep us posted!!

Liz said...

Good luck, girly!

The Rest is Still Unwritten said...

You're doing great! I always read that the best way to lose those last 5/10 pounds is to change up your workout. Most people constantly do the same workouts and you should change it up. Your body gets used to doing certain exercises and stops responding to them.

Also, I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with the tea thing. If you workout a lot, you tend to get dehydrated and believe it or not, tea causes extreme dehydration that your body won't notice and can result in UTIs and Kidney stones. At least that's why my doctor told me...I just passed my 5th kidney stone this summer....

Good luck lovely! You already look AMAZING and we're all so proud of your loss already!!

Anonymous said...

What's the diet?! Just veggies?

Jen McCrady said...

good luck!!!

Mrs. Potts said...

I hope it will work! You should share more information about this - I may have to try it.

~The Neaves Nest~ said...


Llama said...

I agree...diets are only temporary. Portion control is the key! I was doing so well for a while and then I just hit a point where I couldn't loose anymore...so frustrating...then I gave up which wasn't a good idea...now im back at the beginning. URGH! Thanks for your inspiring words...:)

In This Wonderful Life said...

good luck!! what are the details of this diet??

Amanda said...

I was just as Michael's Craft Store yesterday, and noticed that they had these cute little food journal type things for like a dollar...maybe something new and cute would help get the motivation back on track?! :) Just a thought! Good luck!

AmyT said...

I do that....I use livestrong.com you can input your calories - and your exercise....and it calculates it all for you (it's free) You put in there how many pounds you want to lose and it tells you how many calories to eat...it's pretty cool you should check it out!

Kassie said...

Good luck!! I admire your extreme self control and dedication!

Megan said...

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Me too! I am plateaued at my last 9 pounds to go and my husband seems to have given up entirely. It's rough. Can you post your approach to the dieting?


Tara Gibson said...

good luck girl but dont starve yourself skinny! Your body needs the nutrients!

Melissa said...

LOVE your new motto...I'm going to remember that when I'm eating my salad for lunch today!

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

Good luck!! Can't wait to see the results

Lucky in Love said...

Good luck friend! Can't wait to hear how you do!

Anonymous said...

you go girl!! I want that 3 day diet your are talking about!! where can I find it?

Anonymous said...

You are doing a great job! I have been doing WW since January have have lost 40 lbs since starting but lately it has gotten really hard for me to stay on track. I need some new motivation.

sarah said...

Good luck!

Good for you for being sensible in your dieting!

Justine said...

Want to send some of your motivation my way??? How about some of that weight loss too?? ;)

Seriously though, good luck!! I know you can lose those last few pounds!! :)

katie + bret said...

YOU CAN DO IT! Wow, the word "strict" automatically sends me running for the hills! Can't wait to hear how it goes for you :)

Jules said...

You've lost a lot and look wonderful! I agree that working out and counting calories/writing things down works best (I need some motivation to get started). I've used the 3-day diet before to kick start things and it does work. Good luck :)

Kate said...

Oh gosh, girl! Only veggies! Wow. I used to work for LA Weight Loss and they had something that people did when they had reached a "plateau." It helped to "jumpstart" their metabolism. Email me if you want and I'll tell you about it.

Jane said...

Good luck! Let us know how it goes! (I may need a 3 day diet soon myself!)

The Pink Chick said...

I've never heard of the three day diet! Let us know how it goes!

Unknown said...

Yeah, I definitely prefer "lifestyle change" to "diet" ...it's the worst word ever. Because "diets" don't work. I'm not a huge fan of the scale either. Numbers fuck with my head. I'm all about the way my clothes fit ...if they start feeling a bit too tight, it's time to cut back on the ice-cream. lol.

Good luck with your lifestyle change :)

A New England Girl said...

Good luck!! I can't wait to hear about the results. And girl, I support your decision to want to continue dieting and to lose weight through a healthy manner, but you already look fantastic!! Just remember that. :)

Gwen said...

I've been doing WW for a while now and I think I might actually just try counting calories for a while. See if anything changes. You are such an inspiration to me!!! Can't wait to hear your progress. :)

Ashley said...

I like your motto :) I'm also trying to lose weight, and I did really foor several weeks, then my birthday hit a couple weeks ago and I'm struggling to get back into it! I'm totally with you on the counting calories thing, wasiest way for me too.

Annie said...

good luck!
you can do it hun :)

Brittney said...

I feel your pain! The last 10 won't budge for me. Tell us your 3-day diet. I'd love to give it a try!

Katrina said...

good luck! But I still don't know why you are trying to lose more weight, you already look great! ;-)

morewineplease said...

Good luck, I would love to know what the diet is??

JennyLee said...

Counting calories works the best for me as well. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Good luck with the 3-day jumpstart diet! Dieting really does suck. I'm a calorie counter too when I need to lose weight.

Shanny said...

Good luck!!!

Q, La, and Gooner said...

I am back to running which is thrilling! Cardio is what helps me drop the pounds and this; I desperately need!

Lacey said...

I've been in the same boat lately. I get in moods where I love healthy foods and do great, then all of a sudden I want nothing but bad stuff. Sigh. I'm doing the Mediterranean diet now, which isn't really a diet, it's more of an eating pattern (I guess?). So far so good...any diet that encourages eating pasta, cheese, and wine can't be bad, right?

Brittany said...

Let me in all this diet lol

Happiness Is... said...

You can do it!!! Good luck!

CJ said...

Could you tell me the details of the 3 day diet? I am planning on that for some time and want to start by shaking up my system a bit.

♥ Chaitra

Nessa said...

You CAN do it!!!

p.s. post the diet, will ya?

Miss Jody said...

Yip!! That has been the best way for me!
I lost a healthy 25 pounds just doing that...counting calories..
Very healthy! :)

I called it a "Lifestyle change" not a diet. Because you have to change the way you eat all together.
I have gained 12 pounds of it back...cause I've been a lil' winey butt and now I'm back on track!! :)
Good for you! Find something that works and stick to it! :)

LifestyleBohemia said...

I agree that calorie counting supplemented with exercise works best. I recommend pilates if you haven't tried already. Painful on the stomach at first, but you really feel a difference after a few weeks. Best of luck!

LWLH said...

Good luck girl, I need to get my butt in gear and shed some pounds too! :)

Aartee said...

Good luck! I've really been pushing myself lately too but got sick in between...I didn't want to lose a ton though so only 5 lbs left!