Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Life Lately: Week 29

 Here is what the past week looked like.

G and I lost our rhythm a little, but we are back on track with our reading plan.

Deer spotted on our walk.

I didn't get a picture, but last week while I was swimming I saw a fawn on our beach drinking from the lake.


Chalk art spotting too.

Lazy bones.

Work from home Monday.

Salad for lunch.

I read The Family Next Door this week.

Apparently I read it a few years ago, but I did not remember it at all so it was a fun read.


That tail though.

I had a friend come over so I made Chicken Shawarma Bowls for us.

Then we went on the lake and floated for a couple hours.


Morning Manny walks.

I hosted an offsite brainstorm meeting at my house.

It went well except for getting locked out somehow...

Luckily my coworker was able to break in and now we are changing our locks, ha!

I can't believe this was seven years ago!

All the beverages in preparation to have G's work team over, but the rain postponed it until next month.

How it started...

How it's going, lol!

It. Never. Gets. Old.

And it just gets better.

Aw my sweet coworker brought me blueberry coffee.

Someone taped a sign above the printer with Snow White on it and it read "Someday my prints will come."

I work with funny people.


Vanilla skies.

Summer nights.

Cuddle bug.

I almost stopped reading this because it was a little too violent in the beginning, but then I couldn't put it down and loved all the twists and turns.

I saw this sign at Big Lots and it made me laugh.

G tilled the beach and it looks so good.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: A beach is so much work!


Good thing we cancelled G's team get together. 

It rained hard for about an hour.

Then it cleared up and was a beautiful evening (but probably super buggy).

Opening Ceremonies!!!!

I love the Olympics!

Party prep.

I didn't chose the lake life, the lake life chose me.

I love hosting on the lake. 

Everyone brought appetizers, but we were all so anxious to get on the lake we didn't eat until the rain forced us in four hours later, ha!

Cul-de-sac crew.

John makes the best no bake cookies and he wrapped five for me to go.

So sweet.

I begged them to stop, but the girls started cleaning my window and trying to do dishes.

So nice, but so not necessary. 

They know me well though because I do clean again when everyone leaves my house, lol.

A boat looks good in our yard, right? :)

Captain G and his side kick, Manny!

Manny is the ultimate boat dog.

Happy doggo.


l love this.


It's so important to grow.

I try!

Sure was!

It's funny because it's true.


For more life lately:

Week 29 of 2019

Week 29 of 2020

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