Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Life Lately: Week 19

 This is what the past week looked like.

Storm clouds rolling in.

This stinker cuddled into G's robe, lol.

You should have seen the before, eeks!

Our freezer is so small so I had to get creative.

Girls night where sweet Cam met his aunties.

G worked hard on the beach and it's looking summer ready.

Blue nail vibes.
Grilled dinner.

The start of an epic sunset.

I have no words!

Another week, another quiche.


Find the beauty in every day.
Greek bowl obsessed.

"I hope something good happens to you today."

Best bumper sticker I've seen.
Feels like a summer evening.
Supplier lunch after over a year without one.

Vanilla skies.

Salmon and Brussels bowl.

My friend sent me this from her desk calendar and you know I love a good pun.
i went to Sam's with my coworker and found some fun stuff, like these pickle bites.

Lunch outside at work.

Greek salad.

Awww, I loved this book.

Quest Pizza is pretty legit (and high in protein!).

This stinker pushed the blanket out so he could lay on the couch.

Organized the bathroom closet.

Garage sailing in a nearby sub.

The sub had a pretty lake and the houses were gorgeous.

Taco bowls.

Spring is still showing off.

Rosé on the beach.


Beach dog.

Sweet doggo.

We spent the day on our neighbors' boat all Saturday afternoon.

More neighbors joined us.

Pit stop to pee and get drink refills.

Neighbors' lake view.

Charlie boy.


Tired out from exploring a new sub.

I am so behind on American Idol, but I loved Jon Batiste's performance and now I want to watch Soul again.

G and T.

Chicken pesto pasta.

The beginning of an epic sunset.

It just got better and better.

Cotton candy skies.



Be brave.

Love this.

Good reminder.


So blessed to have these friends.

The more you know.

Brilliant idea.

I feel seen.

Oh, corporate America.

Heck yes!


It's funny because it's true.



Pretty much.
Funny, but true.

Me too!

For more life lately:

Week 19 of 2019

Week 19 of 2020

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