Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Life Lately: Week 22

This is what the past week looked like.

Summer is here!

Cotton candy sky.

G and I stumbled upon a Memorial Day Ceremony on our walk with Manny.

The ceremony was just about to start. Perfect timing! 

It was a beautiful ceremony that left us with tears in our eyes and grateful hearts for all those who served and gave their lives for our freedom.

Tired pup.

The last episode of Big Bang Theory called for popcorn.

I loved the ending. I probably watched the last two minutes of the show a hundred times. So perfect.

What did you think of the end?

Find the beauty in everyday. 

"The earth laughs in flowers." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

"May you find the beauty in every moment." Lailah Gifty Akita

Chick-Fil-A cravings hit hard.

Just another day in paradise.

Silly pupper.

Spring candle love.

Coffee tastes better on the deck.

Stormy Saturday.

Happy June!

What time is it? SHOWTIME!

I'm not throwing away my shot.

You want a revolution, I want a revelation.

My thoughts have been replaced with Hamilton lyrics.

In the room where it happens!!!

My mom and I went to see Hamilton and it was everything I expected and so much more. I laughed. I cried. I cheered. I soaked up every single amazing moment.

The talent was incredible. As the actors took their final bow I was crying at how incredible the show was. I just couldn't believe after all these years of listening to the music I was finally seeing the show.

It sure was a Sunday Funday.

Sushi dinner to complete our perfect girls day.

Avocado boat deliciousness.

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