Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Life Lately: Week 21

This is what the past week looked like.

To read about the first part of our Boston/Provicetown trip go here.

We explored Herring Cove Beach

It was a good day for exploring beaches on the Cape.

Our next stop was Ballston Beach because I heard you could spot seals.

And guess what? As soon as we walked onto the beach we saw seals popping their cute little heads out of the water. 

Gahh!!! It was the best thing ever.

"See the line where the sky meets the sea? It calls me." 

We went to Truro Vineyards and did a little gin tasting.

Then we went outside and did a little wine tasting.

When it rains we pour.

Lunching at the Lobster Pot.

G and I both agreed this was the best clam chowder of the entire trip. So flavorful and the clams were so tender.

I finally had a lobster roll and it was perfection. Absolute perfection.

I heart P-Town.

A treehouse, a free house,
A secret you and me house,
A high up in the leafy branches
Cozy as can be house.

A street house, a plain house,
A drive up to the door house,
It's not my kind of house at all -
Let's go stay in a treehouse

I loved that everywhere we ate was right on the beach. 

We had drinks and dinner at The Mews.

G deemed their onion soup his favorite of the trip.

I had the pesto pasta with the scallops and it was out of this world.

Did I mention how good the food is in Provincetown?

Rosé all day.

Give me all the clam chowder please and thank you.

Fried Brussels at The Canteen. DIVINE!

And mac and cheese of course.

Drinks at The Squealing Pig.

All you need is a good dose of vitamin sea.

We stopped at Ballston Beach one more time to walk the beach and hopes to see seals one more time.

Just when I thought we wouldn't see anything, a seal swam literally twenty feet in front of me and I could see his whole cute body in the wave. 

I die!

The infamous Boston traffic.

Driving under Boston.

Wine flights at Vino Volo.

Crab cake amazingness.

Eating as much seafood as possible, even if it is at the airport.


The first day back from vacay calls for avocado rolls.

There is no place like home.

Find the beauty in everyday.

I think he missed me.

You should make this Feta and Tomato Dip

It was a hit with our neighbors.

Puppy play date.

After three hours of playing Manny didn't move the rest of the day, ha!

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