Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Life Lately

Hiiiiii! I've missed you guys! I've been missed this space to document my life and thoughts. It's so therapeutic and it's nice to be back. I thought I'd start with a quick recap of what's been going on this year.

In January G and I headed to Saugatuck to celebrate G's birthday. 

We rented the cutest little cottage in downtown that had a hot tub (with THAT view below) and it was walking distance to all the cute shops and restaurants. 

We wine tasted, ate yummy food, walked on the beach, hot tubbed, and just relaxed and enjoyed each other's company.

In February we celebrated TEN years of marriage. Time flies when you're in love. G got me these gorgeous roses and we booked a trip to Miami for later in the year.

We got so much snow this winter!  Manny didn't mind when he could look snow cute (see what I did there?).

It was actually a weird winter. Tons of snow. Tons of freezing cold days. But also lots of 50/60 degree days mixed in there. The Olympics were on during most of the cold, snowy days so we hunkered down inside and watched it all.

In March the brewery downtown finally opened so we walked over on St. Patrick's Day to check it out. The beer and the food were amazing and we love walking there for dinner.

We spent lots of family time. I just being the aunt to these two goofballs.

By the end of March it was finally getting warm and flowers were budding. It was fun to explore new hiking trails in our little town.

In April we went to Miami Beach, Florida for a week of sunshine, relaxation, salty breezes and good food. I'm still not over that water!

I hope to do more posts on our trip because it was epic. We fell in love with Miami. The people. The architecture. The ocean. The Royal Palm. Cuban Food. The weather. 

By May the flowers were in full bloom and patio sitting weather was here to stay. YAY!

The weather was so hot we even swam over Memorial Day. I can't remember ever being able to swim in a lake in May! Incredible!

We kicked off June with a little getaway to The Dearborn Inn. My aunt and uncle were having a 50th anniversary party so we made a little vacation out of it.

We had a blast catching up with family, and dancing the night away.

The next day we explored Dearborn, ate all the Mediterranean food, and lounged at the hotel pool. Perfection.

My parents moved in with us for about three weeks because their house sold and their new house wasn't completed yet. We had the best time! We had happy hours on the deck. We showed them around our area. Ate out at some fun restaurants.

We also had some amazing home cooked meals by G and my mom. Manny was spoiled rotten and we played cards each night after dinner. It was such a sweet time!

Manny turned five and had his first taste of ice cream.

We took a quick little weekend trip to Traverse City. We wine tasted, swam in the lake, ate good food and relaxed.

We stayed in a cute condo with THAT view and live music on the water at sunset. It was so relaxing!

We went to a Lansing United game with our neighbors which was so much fun. 

We went to my parents new house for Father's Day and got a tour of the gorgeous house and had sweet family month.

Phew. What a year it's been. A good, good year. We are so blessed and I'm just so thankful for all the sweet memories. 


  1. GLAD you're back, I don't know if I've ever commented but I've been reading your blog for a couple years and always enjoy seeing your posts! The weather looks gorgeous!

  2. Welcome back!! I've missed you :) Looks like the first half of 2018 was great. I love that picture of you guys in Miami with the pelican poster in the back. My parents are building a house too! How fun that you guys got to live together for a bit, what a special time. Looking forward to reading about more of your adventures again!

    1. Aw thanks friend! How fun that your parents are building too!
