Thursday, July 12, 2018

2018 Intentions: Check-In

The year is more than half over (whaaaat?) so I thought it'd be fun to check in and see how I'm doing with the intentions I set in January.

Body: Lift weights two to three times a week.

I have been lifting weights two to three times a week and I really enjoy it. I recently learned about Fitness Blender and I’m obsessed. It's free and there are so many workout videos to chose from that I haven't done the same workout twice.
I’ll usually do one upper body workout, one lower body workout, and one total body workout. 
Sometimes I’ll even add a day of Pilates, Barre or Zumba thanks to free YouTube videos. I never get bored because I don’t usually do the same workout twice. I never know what to expect which is nice because I found in my tried and true videos I would dread certain parts.

Health: Read Body Kindness and Intuitive Eating (with workbook).

This is still a work in progress. The hardest part of embracing intuitive eating for me is realizing, as Kylie so eloquently put it, "taking care of myself doesn't guarantee a particular body size." I'm still wrestling with that and learning to give myself grace. Even if it means starting the process over because I start to get back into the diet mentality. It's challenging, but it will be worth it. 

 I’ve read about half of each book and I’ve been listening to a few great podcasts (Body Kindness is one of my faves!) to help me along the journey. I’m also blessed to have some pretty amazing girlfriends that I can be open and honest and process what I’m learning.

Food: Eat what I love and be mindful.

This will probably always be a work in progress, but I’m getting better at it. Eating mindfully helps me to be present in all areas of my life. I love the habit we got into when my parents were staying with us to eat at the dinner table. It's a habit we have kept after they left and it definitely helps me to be mindful. 

Something that really resonates with me came from Oprah’s podcast. It was the notion to never forget what a sacrifice it is for the animal of the meat we are eating. Or the sacrifice of the farmer as he harvested the fruits and veggies we get to enjoy. The miracle that we get the privilege to eat from nature to become one with nature. It's an interesting perspective and helps me put more thought into what I'm eating, enjoy it more, and put more thought into why I chose to eat what I do.

Mind: Read more books.

I was off to a great start, but I got held up with a few long books I never really could get into, but wanted to see how they ended anyways. Here is what I've read so far:

The Marriage Lie by Kimberly Belle - I loved this book and finished it in one day. 

The Antelope in the Living Room by Melanie Shankle - This book was easy to read, offered good advice and was witty and heartwarming just like her blog. 

Before the Fall by Noah Hawley - This book was way too long and the ending left a little to be desired for me.

The Secret Lies of Violet Grant by Beatriz Williams - I love her writing. She has a gift in the way she describes things in such detail you feel as if you are there. I didn't like it as much as A Hundred Summers, but it was worth reading.

Confessions of a Domestic Failure by Bunmi Laditan - This was a great book! It was entertaining and I literally laughed out loud reading this one.

If You Only Knew by Kristan Higgins - This was a fun, easy read. If you love a good romantic comedy this is a great one.

One True Loves by Taylor Jenkins Reid - This was one of my favorites of the whole year. It captivated my attention from the first chapter and I couldn't put it down. I didn't know what was going to happen and I thought about it long after I finished reading it.

The Twilight Wife by A.J. Banner - This was another favorite of the year for me. I couldn't put it down and I enjoyed the ending a lot more than The Marriage Lie.
The Identicals by Elin Hilderbrand - This was one of my favorite Hilderbrand books so far. It had everything I wanted in a beach read (romance, interesting characters, good food, beachy backdrop) and more. I couldn't put it down and it sure didn't hurt that I was in Miami while I read this one.

Same Beach, Next Year by Dorothea Benton Frank - This was my first book I read by Frank and it won't be my last. It was the perfect beach read with interesting characters, a gorgeous beach setting and an intriguing story line.

The Break Down by B.A. Paris - I adored this thriller. It started a little slow, but then it took a turn and I literally had to finish it that evening. I love books that hook me and I have to know what happened.

The Weekenders by Mary Kay Andrews - This was way too long and I hated how it wrapped up way too quickly. Definitely not my favorite Andrews book.

The Family Next Door by Sally Hepworth - I heard mixed reviews about this book that people loved it and compared it to Big Little Lies or hated it. I didn't think it was as good as BLL, but I did love it. It was a fun read and I couldn't predict the ending. 

Discover: Travel more.

Yes! We went to Saugatuck in January, Miami in April, Dearborn in June, and Traverse City in July. We also have a trip coming up in the fall I’m super excited about and we are starting to plan a big trip next winter.
Spiritual: Find a new church community.

Unfortunately we have slacked in this area after a few failed attempts. We got discouraged and went back to listening to sermons online. I really miss the community and volunteering and know it would make our new town feel more settled so we need to make this a priority again.

Marriage: More date nights.

We have been more proactive trying new restaurants in our area, checking out lakes around where we live, planning little weekend getaways, and big trips to really unplug and recharge. Sometimes date nights in are my favorite. We rent a movie, play cards, sit on the deck with a glass of wine, or cook and eat al fresco. It’s been such a sweet time and I always look forward to our date nights.

Passion: Clutter free my life.

This is one of the best things I’ve ever done. I surround myself with people who build me up and are positive influences in my life. People who speak truth and help me grow. It’s life changing to be surrounded with these kinds of people. It takes time and effort, but it’s worth it. I love my tribe!
In the aspect of material things, I am constantly donating or throwing away things in my house that don’t bring joy, don’t serve a purpose, or are not being used. It’s so freeing! Living this way allowed us to store a lot of things for my parents when they were living with us so it had an added benefit.

I fully agree with Gretchen Rubin’s quote above. It’s why I find the time each month to re-organize or donate if things start cluttering because lets be honest. Things can get cluttered quick!
Serving: Show up.

There is room for growth in this area, but I have stopped overthinking it and just acted. I get over the fear by just giving myself a pep talk that this is who I am and that's who God created me to be so if this is on my heart I'm going to do it. 

It looks different for everyone. For me it's inviting the neighbors over and building those relationships. Texting a girlfriend the prayer I've been saying for her in the midst of her struggle. Bringing dinner to a coworker going through a hard time. Inviting people into our home for dinner to talk about life and our struggles, vulnerability, laughing and fostering community. Listening without judgement for girlfriends, coworkers, and G.

As the year continues I hope to continue to do all of the above and more. Get involved in a small group. Volunteer where G and I are passionate and give more time to a worthy cause.

As I look back on this year it's been a wonderful year full of amazing memories, great books, lots of learning and room for growth. I would say that's a very good start.


  1. You are so good at 'showing up'. I remember going through my divorce and coming over that night for dinner and staying hours with you guys. I felt so welcome and cared for. And I must've listened to that cd you made me a hundred times, listening to songs of God's goodness and faithfulness. That really meant a lot to me. I'm glad that continues to be a goal for you because it means a lot to the people who are a part of your life, and blessed by you.

    1. Aw this made my day! It was an honor to be there for you and I’m just so happy you found your Prince Charming and are a momma. God is good! Your strength during that dark time still inspires me!
