Wednesday, June 7, 2017

May Goal Review

I set goals for the year and check in each month to see how I did. Lets see how I did in May!

1. Follow Weight Watchers. Check! I lost four pounds this month watching what I eat, reading Intuitive Eating, walking Manny every day, and walking on breaks with coworkers. This Health Challenge at work is really helping me stay on track!

2. Be intentional with the relationships in my life. Check! I met a good friend for dinner (and margs!), double dated with friends, met up with former coworkers for lunch and planned a girls night with a friend before I move. G and I have also been intentional about going on date nights once a week to take breaks from packing to just talk, laugh and unwind from the madness. 

3. Read three books a month. This just did not happen. I blame it on Big Little Lies. Right before we cancelled cable (since we are moving and also we pay way too much) I binged on BLL. I heard amazing things about it and I was hooked. I binged all seven episodes in two days. I read the book and loved it! I usually skip the rated R scenes when reading so I was a little shocked at all the intimate scenes. But oh my gosh. It was so good. I watched the last episode twice. I don't want to give anything away, but WOW. The things people will do to appear as if they have the perfect life. Also, the acting is amazing and I am now obsessed with the Elvis song Wonder of You.

4. Move fifteen minutes everyday. Check! Manny and I walked every morning. I walked at work on breaks and lunch. Cleaning and packing has kept me active as well.

5. Do one thing that inspires you everyday. Check! I try to post what inspires me on insta so follow along @learningtobeawife. Date nights. Patio sitting. Sunsets. Manny. Reading. Resting. Girls nights. Flowers. Looking for the glorious in the mundane.

6. Find a new church community. Sadly we are moving and I will miss the church community we just found. We will have to find a new church when we move. Thank goodness this church has podcasts of the sermons because I will definitely keep listening to this preacher once we move.

7. Read the Bible and write in my prayer journal everyday. My prayers have mainly been during my walking time with Manny lately, but I want to get back into the habit of writing in my prayer journal. I really enjoy looking back and seeing how God answered prayers in His way and in His timing so I need to make this a priority next month. 

8. Do one house project a month. Well our house is packed and that is surreal and weird and emotional. While we were packing The House That Built Me by Miranda Lambert came on and I just started crying. I get so emotionally attached to things! I'm sure I'll be writing a mushy, sentimental post about our house soon so stay tuned!

How did you guys do this month?

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