Wednesday, April 5, 2017

March Goal Review

I set goals for the year and check in each month to see how I did. Lets see how March went!

1. Follow Weight Watchers. Check! I only lost two pounds, but I'll take it. I'm tired of losing and gaining so I purchased a few books to help get to the root of the problem. I am excited to start reading them and start changing the way I view food and myself. Also, I need to learn to navigate eating out better. I got out with suppliers a lot and I just do not make the best choices. HELP!

2. Be intentional with the relationships in my life. Check! I started building good relationships with my new coworkers, met a sweet friend for dinner, had lunch with a coworker, and went to a girls night last Friday. I'm so, so thankful for the girls in my life that build me up, make me laugh a lot and have my back.

3. Read three books a month. Check! Check out my book review here.

4. Move fifteen minutes everyday. Check! Manny and I walk every day for at least thirty minutes. It's my time to disconnect from the day and listen to a podcast and enjoy the fresh air. I also feel like I clean every single day (more on why below) so that is keeping me busy too!

5. Do one thing that inspires you everyday. Check! I have continued writing three things I'm thankful for first thing in the morning in my Notes app. I still try to post what inspires me on insta so follow along @learningtobeawife. It's usually date nights, nature, a fun new cocktail, family, or cute Manny poses.

6. Find a new church community. We are still attending and loving the church near our house. We loved our small group and are sad it's over until May. It was a huge blessing in our life. 

7. Read the Bible and write in my prayer journal everyday. Check! There is so much going on right now (more below) so I'm so reliant on God and His guidance. His peace. Trusting Him to lead on these huge decisions we are making. It's exciting, stressful and scary and I don't know how I could do it without leaning on God. His plan is perfect.

8. Do one house project a month. The past week has been stressful because we found a house we loved so much faster than we anticipated and put our house on the market a week later... So we did all the house projects in one week and we are so tired! And so excited! We had three showings this weekend which meant we did a ton of deep cleaning, organizing and purging and our house has never looked better! But did I mention we are tired? I'll share the process and how we are feeling in another post soon. It's so exciting and yet so surreal. But the house projects are done so there is that.

What did you accomplish last month?

1 comment:

  1. #1 other books maybe to check out related to this: the weigh-down diet and made to crave book and devotional. And #8: wow!!!! Did you get the other one, so exciting! This is huge I know you've been talking about this a couple years, you must really love it to go!
