Friday, September 30, 2016

Myrtle Beach Days 4 - 6

If you missed the first three days click here. Sunday was our first full day at the beach. We slept in.

Drank coffee on the balcony.

Then my mom and I swam laps at the pool before eating breakfast. We enjoyed it so much it became part of our vacation routine.

Then we went for a long walk on the beach. Beach walking is my JAM. The sand between my toes. The water gently lapping and the therapeutic sound of the waves. The people watching. The conversation. The sparkling water. Perfection.

Then we sat on our beach chairs and I read. Took a dip in the ocean. Repeat. Up to our condo for a quick lunch on the balcony. Back to the beach for more beach reading, swimming and relaxing. I love beach life.

We went up to the room around 6:30 and got ready for dinner.

We went to Greg Norman's Australian Grille and it was my favorite meal of the entire trip.

The views were amazing! I could watch boats go by all day long.

Happy hour with a view is my kind of happy hour.

G had the lobster ravioli which was bomb and G's second favorite meal of the whole trip.

I had the lobster tail with succotash and it was incredible. So flavorful. So fresh. So amazing! Also, I'm now obsessed with succotash.

The restaurant was located at Barefoot Landing so after dinner we walked around. It's a pretty walk!

I spotted this awesome sign and had to take a picture. Too funny!

Monday morning we woke up to a thunderstorm. I may have jumped up and down and squealed after I got this lightning shot. I was so pumped. It involved counting after I heard thunder and getting it down to 22 seconds and just clicking like crazy once I counted to 22. It was worth it.

The storm let up after our coffee so we could keep our routine. Swam laps. Walk on the beach. Read on the beach. Go up for lunch. Back to the beach for more swimming, reading and relaxing. We saw a fishermen catch a sting ray! It was cool to see one up close and personal.

We did things a bit different this trip. We have been coming to MB for over 20 years and we have our favorite restaurants. This year with the help of Yelp we decided to check out new restaurants. Fire and Smoke Gastropub had really good reviews so we checked it out Monday night.

We are so glad we went! My mom and G had their best meal of the trip. My mom had the lamb and G had the ribs. I had the second best meal of the trip - scallops on potato cakes (OMG!) and Brad and I split the macaroni and cheese. So good! The restaurant was cozy and our waiter was awesome. A great experience and I know we will be back next time we go to MB.

Tuesday started a little cloudy but that didn't stop me from drinking coffee on the balcony and swimming laps at the pool. Then we sat on the beach and I read. I read so much this trip - 4 books total! I'll have reviews after I finish the recaps of our trip because they were really good books I could not put down.

The sun started to make an appearance after we finished with lunch. I did more beach reading and swimming. I was so sucked into my books I didn't join everyone in ladder golf and catch. Another great beach day!

On this day a fishermen caught a SHARK.  Yes, a shark! Not sure if it's the same one we got called out of the water for on Saturday... Crazy! I actually didn't bring my phone to the beach at all but the girl next to me was taking pictures and I asked her to text them to me. We had to show my dad when he got back from his run. And yes, I still swam in the ocean after seeing this guy.

After an exciting beach day we went out for dinner. We all agreed our favorite meal last time we were in MB was Chuck's Steakhouse so that is where we went.

It was really good! I had the shrimp scampi with rice pilaf. So good! My parents were raving about the salad bar and it was delicious. I'm not even a huge salad fan and it was amazing. You don't see a salad bar anymore, but it was fun!

G and my dad had the Big Buck beers and they were, well, BIG.

Another great dinner. We were on a roll! We haven't had a bad meal yet (and spoiler alert, we never did!). We came back to the condo and played cards before calling it a night.

Stay tuned for more vacation fun!

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