Thursday, July 14, 2016

June Goals Revisited

I cannot get over that is July. Slow down, summer! Lets see how I did with my goals for June.

1. Limit social media to once a day. This was actually easier than I thought it would be. I found myself forgetting my phone and just being. I didn't have to constantly have it every second to pacify me if I had to wait on something. I would just be. I learned to be more present and for that I'm so thankful. I don't plan on giving up this goal anytime soon. It has been more life giving than I ever imagined.

2. Lose eight pounds this month. I lost three pounds this past month and with a busy month full of fun plans with friends and family AND a three day vacation thrown in there I say it's a win. I have stepped it up for July and I am finally ready to finish what I started over a year ago.

3. Read 3 books this month. I tried so hard to read All The Light We Cannot See but I could not get into it. I'm just finished the The Royal We. The Royal We is really long (almost 500 pages) so it took most of the month to read, but I loved it. It was a fun summer read. Light, easy and cute. So I read one book, but did I mention how long it was? I just started 10% Happier and I have high hopes for it. One of my favorite bloggers said it changed her life so my expectations are high. I'll keep you posted!

4. Savor summer. Especially with the help of goal #1 I find I have truly savored summer. Stepped away from my phone. Be still. Be present. Say yes to dinners on the patio with friends. Sitting on the deck and reading. Going to the lake as much as possible.  Going out for impromptu frozen yogurt. Hiking new trials and exploring new lakes. BBQs. It has been the best summer yet!

So that was June. We have been in a serious drought which is so weird, but I love it. Hot, sunny summer days! Enjoying every moment. Saying yes to fun plans. Being outside as much as possible. Putting my phone away and being fully present. July is for focusing more on moving and eating well, but more on that tomorrow!

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