Friday, July 15, 2016

July Goals


So it's half way through the month and I'm just sharing my goals now. Sorry, not sorry. There has been so much going on lately I wanted to document that this just kept getting pushed back. But better late than never, right?

1. Make overnight oats. This is something I've wanted to do forever and I pinned a good recipe I want to try so now is the perfect time to try it. They are so popular and I am just on the fence on if I will like them or not. So curious!

2. Grill at least once a week. This summer has been a lot of fun and a little busy, but one thing that is missing is grilling. We haven't grilled in a few weeks and it's time to change that! I want to take advantage of this grilling weather before it's gone. 

3. Do not let bad moods affect my mood. My new job can be extremely stressful and my coworkers can be cranky and I sometimes find myself reflecting their negativity. I know I am easily excitable and an overly optimistic person by nature and I work with people that aren't quite like that. i need to accept we are all different and not let other people's moods affect my own. Deep breaths. Don't take everything personal. Brush it off. Just keep being me. Don't let anyone dull my sparkle.

4. Be intentional with my time with G. Date nights. Deep conversations. Spontaneous trips to the lake. Hiking. I want to say yes more when he offers up a spontaneous idea. Spend more time together interacting and having fun. Now that we don't work together I really want to be intentional about how we spend our time.

So those are my goals for this month. I like to keep them pretty light in the summer because summer goes so fast and I just want to soak it all in. What are your goals this month?

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