Thursday, March 24, 2016

Life Lately

Last week was my last week at work. It was emotional to say the least. I spent half a decade there so it was a hard good-bye. My bff, Kate, got me the sweetest gift. She gave me a book named "What I Like About You" with cute quotes like above and whole pages of memories of our friendship. It was the most thoughtful gift and I love reflecting on it when I'm having a bad day.

We celebrated St. Patrick's Day last weekend with fajitas and a lime in our Coronas. It was perfection.

I had a nice going away party last week on Friday. A lot of people said some really wonderful things about me and it will be a memory I never forget. I gave the following speech: "In the words of my favorite musical, Wicked, 'I have been changed for the better.' I'm so grateful for this experience. I found my voice here and I'm becoming who I want to be because of so many people here that have poured into me. It truly has been an honor working with all of you. Thank you!"

It was only appropriate on my last day to get sushi with some favorites. I even tried something new! I had the salmon role and it was amaze. Kate was on her way to Florida on my last day so we walked our last lunch walk Thursday and then in true Grey's Anatomy fashion we danced it out... Then I cried the whole way home. It's an end of a chapter of our friendship, but not the end of our friendship. Not by a long shot. The best is still to come!

After my last day G and I celebrated 5.5 awesome years with a great company at a local brewery. We liked the beers so much from Wednesday we came back and had dinner.  Of course I had to have the mac and cheese and it did not disappoint. Great food. Great service. Great beers. 

Saturday was low key. I cleaned the house. Took Manny for a walk. Then G and I met my parents for an improtu dinner. G and I shared the pulled pork, mac and cheese and Parmesan fries. So good! The company was pretty amazing too.

Monday I started my new job. It was a great first day. Everyone was so welcoming and helpful. They even gave me a sweet gift basket and I have a desk right next to lots of windows and sun shining on me all day. LOVE.

I used to work 9:00 to 6:00 but now I work 7:30 to 4:30 which I love! But it's taking some adjustment,. I wake up earlier and now walk Manny after work. G and I have to be more intentional with our time since we don't have built in carpool time and the same schedule to drink coffee together. 

Having the extra time before G gets home has inspired me to start cooking again. I made TJ's spinach ricotta pasta with TJ's tomato sauce. It's a start! I plan to meal plan and grocery shop next Monday to cook everyday next week. 

I have to dress up again for work. I haven't had to dress up in a long time, but it's kinda fun! Can I talk about these cute pants? $9 at the second time around store, score!

Oh and super random but we got Manny this fun purple toy and he devoured it in 2 days flat. This was on the table when I walked in the door and it was too funny not to share.

So that's life lately. Ending strong and saying good-bye at my old job. Learning a new job. Figuring out a new normal. Dressing up. Manny toys. Oh and did I mention I'm sick? Once I'm feeling better I hope to get a post up our vacation finally. Hope you are all doing well!


anneseverydaylife said...

Hope it continues to be good! I'm happy I get to wear scrubs, I got tired of dressing up, altho sometimes it is fun and you do feel prettier :) I always wondered how you got so much done in your mornings!! Haha

mags said...

Hope you're feeling better! Congrats on the new job - how exciting!