Friday, January 15, 2016

Fit Friday!

Weigh in this week:

Well I lost two pounds, but it's the two pounds I gained over the New Years holiday weekend. Sooooo I'm back to 25 pounds lost. Onward and upward! I have a feeling this Sunday when I weigh in I will break the 25 pound mark because I worked hard this week. Fingers crossed!

Workouts this week:

Sunday - Shovel snow and The Shred Level 2
Monday -  The Shred Level 1 and walk on lunch
Tuesday - Shovel snow and walk on lunch
Wednesday - The Shred Level 3 and walk an hour on lunch
Thursday - Shovel snow (AGAIN)
Friday - The Shred Level 1 and walk on lunch

Winter came in like a lion this week! Poor Manny didn't get walked much this week, but it was in the negatives with the wind chill and the roads were snowy so it was too risky. Winter sure came in like a lion. 

Eats this week:

I actually meal planned this week! Who. Am. I?

Then we went to Aldi's and stocked up. Our fridge is rarely this full so a picture was necessary.

Last Friday I went out to lunch with the girls and had a Gouda burger and it was delicious and worth the 15 pp for half burger and fries.

Friday night and Saturday night I had G's famous beef strog for 13 pp and it was worth every bite. I save my weeklies for Friday and Saturdays so my meals are a bit higher in points on those days.

Saturday and Sunday lunch after grocery shopping was Jimmy Johns #12 (9 pp for half).

Sunday night I had Kroger sushi and it was surprisingly pretty amazing (12 pp).

I made a quiche for the week.10 eggs, 3 cups spinach and 1 cup mozzarella and it makes 5 servings for 5 pp each.

Snacks this week were either hard boiled eggs (2 pp) or cottage cheese (2 pp) with 2 clementines (0 pp).

Or a protein shake with almond milk (2 pp), banana (0 pp), coffee (0 pp), protein powder (2 pp), and spinach (0 pp).

I also tried a new La Croix flavor (apple cranberry) and I liked it. The best part is I found it at Aldi's.

Lunches this week have been a bagel thin (3 pp), spinach (0 pp), turkey (2 pp) and mustard (0 pp) with a cup of miso soup (2 pp) and a side of carrots (0 pp).

Monday night G grilled steak (4 pp) and I mixed it in with broccoli (o pp) and rice (5 pp) with a bit of soy sauce (0 pp).

Tuesday and Wednesday night we had Stuffed Pepper Casserole (11 pp). It was bomb!

Thursday night we had our work Christmas party. We had soup, salad and bread and I stayed on track with WW. It was a fun night!

How are you doing? 
What's your favorite WW recipe?

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