Thursday, January 23, 2014

Back to Reality

Please excuse the lack of posting lately. We just got back from warm, sunny California and are trying to adjust to the freezing cold and our crazy work load from being gone. I'm also trying to plan Garth's birthday (this weekend, eek!) and snuggle my pup that I missed so much. I can't wait to get back to blogging and telling you all about the fun we had while away. In the meantime, please enjoy this tranquil picture of the ocean. I miss the ocean already!

Don't forget to follow me on Instagram at learningtobeawife to see a few more vacay pics!


Nicole said...

Cant wait to hear about your California adventures! Its crazy how much I haven't done and I've lived here all my life :)

Expatriate Tax Services said...

Marvelous photo! Hope to see more of these on your coming posts. :))