Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Menu Monday on Tuesday!

We were out of town all weekend at a friends' lake house and it was amazing. Relaxing, refreshing, and full of tubing, kayaking, floating, and eating. Perfection. But more on that later...

We got back Sunday afternoon and there was no way in heck I was grocery shopping or meal planning. I unpacked and fell asleep at 9:00. I didn't get to meal planning until Monday during my lunch break. After work I went grocery shopping and I already had chicken de-thawing so fajitas was a perfect choice before a night full of laundry.

Here is what the rest of the week is looking like:

Monday - Chicken Fajitas

Tuesday - Indian Chicken Curry. I'm on a curry kick after trying a new curry dish last week and am exploring new Indian recipes because we are obsessed!

Wednesday - Spinach and Feta Quiche. I make this at least once a week and it is so good and so easy! Garth especially loves it as a post run meal after his long runs on Saturday. Filling and packed with protein. Did I mention easy? That is the best part, in my opinion.

Thursday - Mexican Casserole. I have not made this in a few weeks and it is long overdue to add this back in.

Friday - Out to dinner with friends

What's on your menu this week?

1 comment:

Lauren said...

our week seems to be taking a crazy turn, so most night's it's fend for yourself...ha! we do have dinner out a few nights, but otherwise it's Operation Clean Out the Fridge & Pantry!