Friday, May 4, 2012

Fit Friday!

Well, the scale did not move at all this week. Bummer. I'm actually really discouraged about it. I'm working my butt off and watching every single piece of food I put into my mouth and working out every day. I count every calorie. I haven't had pop in weeks. I haven't eaten a fried food in too long. I have been eating really clean too. Not a lot of processed food. And I'm on level 4 of Ripped in 30 which is the hardest level, for sure. I literally drip with sweat during the video. So what is going on?

I know it's not all about the scale. My clothes are fitting a lot looser. My abs are flatter. My arms are getting definition. But I'm still at a number on the scale that makes me want to vomit. And the fact that the number on the scale did not move just reminds me of how much weight I have gained and how much further I have to go. Which just makes me angry at myself all over again. How did I let it happen?

Ick. I hate that I care so much. I hate that I'm so insecure about it. I hate that I let it bother me. I hate that I'm working so hard and getting no results. And I put this crazy pressure on myself to look and be a certain way for our vacation coming up. I compare myself to other women. And it's ridiculous because I know Garth loves the way I look and thinks I'm beautiful. It's just my own crazy that puts these horrible thoughts in my mind. My own insecurities that rob me of joy. I know God made me in His image. And I'm working on TRULY knowing this. I promise. It is just so hard.


Abbey said...

Just remember that muscle weighs more than fat does. So while you're getting rid of what you don't want, you're also gaining "weight" in muscle that you're building. You're doing great - I love keeping up with you!

Lauren said...

I realize it's easy for us all to say...but first of all you like incredible & should be so proud of how you're doing; and also, muscle does weigh more than're becoming an athlete with all the working out you're doing! I wish I had the discipline you do to keep up with workouts!

Anne said...

In my nutrition class we were learning about nutrition for athletes, you might want to try actually upping your calories since that is not really a lot of calories for the amount you are burning. Your body might be in conservation stage b/c it thinks you are starving.I would try adding like 200-300 cals per day in the form of a protein shake, couple scrambled eggs, pb on toast, etc. You could try it for a week and see if it jumpstarts your metabolism again...

Anne said...

but yeah, you look great and those perks of just being healthier are great too :)

Anonymous said...

Muscle weighs more than fat. You need to google mark mcdonald and see what his diet strategies are. He is very succesful in the weight loss industry and his is HEALTHY. no counting calories etc...give it a shot.

LWLH said...

I can understand that it is frustrating but I'm sure you look gorgeous girl and your doing such a great job getting healthy.

Adrienne said...

uhm- it's MUSCLE! Keep up the good work lady, you are doing SO well!


The Pink Growl said...

Hang in there lady! Don't let the number on the scale get you down, especially if you are seeing differences in your clothes and muscle tone. that's what matters!

Anonymous said...

I really think you should talk to someone. Your obsession with a number even though you can see the effect your hard work is having is not good. You're healthy, happy and loved yet that isn't good enough for you. Talk to someone before you cross the line and are willing to do anything to make that number go down. God made you this way, accept it and stop trying to change it.

Anonymous said...

Try to think that you are a mother. What you would tell you daughter if she came to you and said the things you are saying.

It's a number. That number in no way reflects the way you feel and how you look. You can see the results. You have to stop obsessing over the number. Or all your working out is for nothing, because no matter what it's never going to be enough.