1. I am loving this patio set from Walmart.

2. I adore this painting from Etsy and think it would look amazing in my living room.

3. I just went shopping for Myrtle Beach and got some super cute clothes from Old Navy, but I'm still in the market for a few new cardigans. I like this one from Target.

4. Tickets to The Kenny Chesney/Zac Brown Band concert is topping that list. I want to go so freaking bad but it is so darn expensive!

5. My favorite summer purse got stuck in my filing cabinet at work and long story short, my co-worker had to cut my purse straps to get it out. Don't ask me how this happened because I have no idea but I need a new summer purse!
6. I love reading magazines and I especially love opening my mail box and seeing the new issue in there! Right now I am wanting subscriptions to Shape and Better Homes and Gardens.
What are you wanting right now?
I am also being asked for bday ideas, and I have no idea! All the things I 'need' are lame: new glasses, a dentist check up :) and the things I want are rediculous expensive- kiteboard, yeah, can't even think of other things I want, a bigger apt kitchen :) it is kind of nice to be at a place in life where you don't feel you want as much. But I love your deck patio choice, that should definately be saved up for! You'd use it everyday!
That purse is adorable...and how tragic that your other one met an untimely death with the filing cabinet!
i love the patio set!;
i love kenny chesney! ive seen him 3 times! and add in zac brown band! wowww!
the picture is adorable; and is so my style!
Looks like a great list! I saw Kenny Chesny in concert many many years ago! He puts on a great show!
As for my want list. I'm still dying for a better camera. I think it's going to be awhile before that happens though!
Great items!!!
Right now, I want new shoes and a new jeans!
Oh no, your poor purse!! The patio set looks great, maybe it'll go on clearance as the season winds down!
The picture on Etsy is beautiful ! I think I might just have to add that my wish list !
I want and have been wanting for a while a Canon Rebel but that is one my Christmas/Birthday/Halloween/New Years/Thanksgiving list : )
These all sound like good "wants" to add. I'm already ready for Fall and the prospects of a new purse for Fall.
A new patio set would be nice too! Or better chairs to lay out in our backyard. *wish we had a pool*
My other wants are an ipad and an iphone, which I hope to be upgrading to soon and saying "bye bye" to my ole Blackberry.
Kenny C is so awesome in concert. If you can, get tickets! You'll love it.
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