Friday, February 4, 2011

Fit Friday!

The holidays, stress of moving, and not being able to work out after surgery were not kind to me. I have gained ten pounds in the last few months. UGH. I hate how easy it is to gain weight and how hard it is to lose weight.
I was successful before when I documented my journey with you all before. Your tips and encouragement were such a huge help that I'm back again to lose these ten and finally reach my goal once and for all!
I have started doing The Shred again each morning (I am on day 10) and documenting everything I eat on and I have lost two pounds this week, woohoo! I hate that I have to document everything I eat, but when I don't I gain weight. I hope to evenutally not have to count every calorie, but until then I'll just suck it up and document. The livestrong website makes it easy because as you start to type in what you ate it will generate the food with all the stats for you. Anyone else use it or another tool like it?
Here's to starting over and being successful!


Anonymous said...

You will do great!

Anonymous said...

I use MyFitnessPal on my iPhone. I love it!

Natalie said...

I use the Lose It app on my iPhone. It has kept me on track for 3 months now.

Lauren said...

Good luck...I know you can do it!

Anonymous said...

I've stopped tracking my calories for some reason, but I've been trying to work out 5-6 days a week. Take it easy on yourself, you just had major surgery and were stressed as all get out with the move, now that you and Garth are in a beautiful home sweet home, I'm sure that it will come off much easier than it went on! Good luck with the shred - brave woman you are!

Patience said...

I use caloriecount. It is super easy to use.

Mrs. S. said...

That is great! When I am able to get to working out again I hope to start The Shred. With having a newborn, the 30 minutes should give me just enough time!

Good luck!

Kenya said...

I have had foot surgery and am in the same boat!!!!! I was in a cast for six weeks and was pretty much a prisoner in my home because of all the darn snow we have been getting in NJ. Doesn't make it easy to walk around with cast (that can't get wet) and crutches. I am finally on my feet, but no exercise for me for at least another three months. I can barely walk properly yet. I feel for ya.

Unknown said...

You'll do great! Stay focused and it will be off of you in no time!

Nicole said...

I've been using Dr Oz's move it and lose it in 2011 - its a great program where it calculates how many calories you should eat a day and then you log it all - its pretty fantastic. I've lost 10lbs since Jan 7 - and am very quickly making my way to 15.

Lacey said...

Using a calorie counter really helps me too...I love I've gained about 10 pounds in the past 2 months due to traveling and I'm so are so right that's so easy to gain and so hard to lose! I'm hitting the gym tomorrow =/

~The Neaves Nest~ said...

Love livestrong and they have an app
For the iphone that's $1.

You can do it. Don't be so rough on yourself. You've done it once before, so I'm sure it will come off quicker than you think. Glad you've recovered!