Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009.

We were incredibly blessed this Christmas and we are just so thankful for such amazing family and friends. Instead of visiting both families on Christmas day, we split it up by going to Garth's family Christmas Eve and my family on Christmas day. It was perfect! No rushing around and trying to eat two big meals. So, first I'll tell you about Christmas Eve, in pictures.
Garth and his sister, Sam:
Uncle Garth and Lilly:Trying to get a picture with our Lilly:
Bobotie, South African deliciousness:
The amazing feast:THEN Santa visited!He is a handsome Santa, no?
Dr. Lilly:My SIL and I with our matching Snuggies: Such a wonderful day! Tomorrow I'll tell you about my family's Christmas.


Anne @ Sincerely, Britches said...

Such fun!! Love all the pictures!, do you like the Snuggie? A friend of mine had that on the top of her wishlist! :)

Caroline said...

Looks like you guys had a great Chritmas! Stay warm in your Snuggie!

Brown Girl said...

Looks like a good Christmas, I kinda want a snuggie, may have to go out and get one!

Blair @ Reasonably Swanky said...

Looks like a very Merry Christmas! I wear my snuggie everyday!! I even sit at the kitchen table with it on and it grosses my husband out but I'm telling you once you start wearing it around the house, you feel naked without it! Ha!
Oh and I started my big "D" today b/c I consumed so much crap over the last 4 days that my eyes, fingers, and feet were swollen. I guess too much salt. So. Bad.

Lauren said...

So fun…. and I so got that same leopard snuggie for Christmas, LOVE IT!!!!!! :)

Mrs EyeCanSee said...

The Snuggie seemed to be a popular gift this year! I still haven't decided if I want one or not. Glad you had a great Christmas!

Tara Gibson said...

great pictures! glad you guys had a great Christmas!

Elizabeth said...

I am so happy that you christmas went well!! You all look so happy!!! Snuggie....I WANT ONE....everyone is talking about them!!! :-)

Beth said...

Looks like fun!!!

Kenya said...

I want the snuggie!! I think that is one of the xmas gifts I'm getting because hubby told me he didn't have one of my xmas gifts because it was sold out. Even this weekend we went out to the stores and he said still sold out and that probably by now I figured out what it was. So excited to get mine soon!

A Nerd and A Free Spirit said...

I have two snuggies. They are fabulous. Dog snuggies are a big deal right now, too apaprently!!


God, My Savior Forever! said...

So you also got a Snuggies...everyone's getting them hahaha! They are such an incredible idea! Sounds like you had a peaceful Christmas:D The African dish looks yummy! Can't wait to hear about your Christmas day!

Lauren said...

Great pics...glad you were able to spread it out! It's so much easier that way!

Lucky in Love said...

Looks awesome! Ha! My brother got me that leopard snuggie as well :) Now we're twins!

Nicole said...

looks like a great time! merry christmas!

The Pink Chick said...

I am so glad you had a wonderful Christmas! Lilly is so stinkin' cute!

katie + bret said...

Wow! You are married to Santa?! That is amazing!!!!


Annie said...

so many cute pictures!!
glad you had a great christmas hun!! :)

Miss Jody said...

The house and food looks amazing :)
Jealous.with a capital J.

Have a great New Year Lady!

Anonymous said...

How fun! Love the pictures and it looks like y'all had one great Christmas! Hope your having a great day! xoxo

Mrs. Southern said...

What a nice Christmas!Love your hair!

Whitney Black said...

Hey, I like your blog! If it needs a makeover come visit Bloggy Blog Designz. We do headers, backgrounds, buttons, signatures, navbars and more!

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...

What a fantastic Santa your family had!! I asked my Paw Paw if he was going to dress up like he did when we were kids, but it seems to move on to the younger generation to dress up!

Gwen said...

What a fun day!!! I love that you both got Snuggies and that Bobotie looks delicious!!! You should get the recipe and share if you can. :) Can't wait to hear about the rest of your weekend!!! XOXO

Brittany Ann said...

If Garth is Santa, that makes you Mrs. Claus!

Meagan said...

Garth is so cute, but he needs to add some pounds to be santa!!!!!!!

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said...

Love the snuggie...sounds like a great Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Wow, it looks like you guys had a great fun Christmas!
Just stopping see if you still blog.. a lot of my list has stopped.. I am not as faithful as I once was but I miss it..

~M~ said...

I got pink Snuggie!!!

Lindsey said...

That sounds like a fabulous Christmas Eve. I may have to pick myself up one of those snuggies! Can't wait to here about your Christmas Day festivities.

Anonymous said...

OMG, this South African dish ( Bobotie ) sure does look delish!!!

Ginger said...

I love that your hubs dressed up as Santa that is freaking awesome!!