Wednesday, April 14, 2021

Life Lately: Week 14

This is what the past week looked like.

Avocado toast is what's for breakfast.

This house decorated their garage (for Easter? A wedding?).

Inside the garage they had tables set with linens and big flower centerpieces.

This picture doesn't do it justice, but we had a crazy thunderstorm with thunder that shook the whole house and knocked a picture off the wall.

Second pontoon in for the season, woohoo!

Pre dinner vibes.

Socially distance dinner with friends.

Good food and good conversation.

Feels like a summer night.


It's so hard to see, but a Bald Eagle landed in the tree in our backyard.

Can you spot his white head?

And he's off!

Captain Jovi.

First boat ride of the year with our sweet neighbors.


Leave me a loon.

Good cloud day.

The evolution...

Of a sunset.

My dad posted this on FB and his caption was just too good not to share.

This book was so good!

Here are a few of my fave takeaways:
  • The process of building habits is actually the process of becoming yourself. Habits help develop your deepest beliefs about yourself. Quite literally, you become your habits
  • Decide the person you want to be and prove it to yourself with small wins.
  • Habit stacking is pairing a new habit with a current habit.
  • The more attractive an opportunity is, the more likely it is to become habit forming.
  • We tend to adopt habits that are praised and approved by our culture because we have a desire to fit in and belong.
  • Create an environment where doing the right thing is as easy as possible.
  • When you start a new habit it should take less than two minutes to do. For example: read before bed each night becomes read one page.
  • The best way to break a bad habit is to make it impractical to do.
  • We are more likely to repeat a behavior when the experience is satisfying. T
  • The first mistake is never the one that ruins you. It is the spiral of repeated mistakes that follows. Missing once is an accident. Missing twice is the start of a new habit so don’t break the chain.
  • To identify your habits ask: What feels like fun for me, but work to others? What makes me lose track of time? Where do I get greater returns than the average person? What comes naturally to me
  • The Goldilocks Rule states that humans experience peak motivation when working on tasks that are right on the edge of their current abilities. Not too hard. Not too easy. Just right.
  • The greatest threat to success is not failure but boredom.
  • As habits become routine, they become less interesting and less satisfying. We get bored.
  • The only way to become excellent is to be endlessly fascinated by doing the same thing over and over. You have to fall in love with boredom.

I love spring.

Both were just okay.

Life needs more whimsy. 

Create your own rainbow.

Working outside again is the best.

Manny didn't hate it either.

Greek bowls make the best lunches.

The sound of rain is one of my favorites.

New purse for spring.

G and I are starting this reading plan in order to read the Bible in a year.

Ruff life.

Salsa chicken.

Isn't this little champs dog toy fun?

Manny liked it.

The water is COLD.

CFA on a Friday night.

While we don't watch the Masters, we love a theme so we made this Azalea cocktail.

Prepping for our last session with our very first premarital couple.

Silly guy.

Eggplant parm takeout.

He isn't on his blanket, but he looks so cute snuggled on G's sweatshirt.

Brunch is back, baby.



Talk faith!

Good reminder.

Hech yes!

Make. It. Count.

Why is it so hard to be in the present?

Good new word: huggle.



I feel old now.

This made me laugh because this is so G.

As a penguin lover and growing up with a Great Pyrenees I adore this story.

It's funny because it's true.

This. Is. So. Me.

For more life lately:

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