Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Life Lately: Week 53

This is what the last(!) week of the year looked like.

Yeti obsession.

It's so nice to see the sun.

Virtual life group and premarital mentoring this week.

This picture is blurry, but the moon was crazy.

Pink skies.

Not even on his blanket.

Another sweet Christmas read.

Winter is here.

My co-worker is so lazy.

My shadow.

Mexican food and margs.

This guy loves to play catch.

See? :)

A toast to a new year!

To resilience and hope!

Love you to pizzas.

G and I binged Ozark all weekend.

We got a couple of inches of snow.

So (kinda) funny story...

I was cleaning out a closet and I found one set (why only one set?!) of oven racks (on the right in the abov picture).

We never use this oven anyway so G was taking the old burners out and a wire was exposed which touched the metal and created a HUGE spark that almost hit the celling. 


Luckily G wasn't hurt and he was able to turn the stove off completely.

Getting Ozark vibes with the gray/blue, ha.

I love a thick snow that sticks to the trees.

Still worthy, strong and growing!


Bloom where you are planted.

It sounds so easy, right?

Good reminder!

I needed to hear this.

Love this!


It really was like that.



The memes are still so good.

This meme might be my fave.

I didn't go, lol.

I was asleep by 10:30.

It feels that way right now, no?

Haha, I agree!

So much truth in this.

1 comment:

  1. Don't you need to call this "week 1" and start over again? Lol.

    Also, how do you not use an oven??!

    Love the memes :)
