Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Life Lately: Week 45

This is what the past week looked like.

Monday was cold, but nice and cozy inside.

It was the perfect night for cabbage soup.

A gorgeous sunset is just what we needed during Election week.

Starbucks and Jesus.

Fave breakfast: protein wrap, eggs and laughing cow cheese with spinach (not pictured).

G brought me home flowers.


Med for dinner.

Happy November!

This guy.

Leftover cabbage soup was even better with cauliflower rice.

The weather has been amazing.

I wasn't expecting to be able to work outside for the rest of the year so that was a welcome surprise.

I flew through this book.

It was a fun read and I couldn't get to the end fast enough to see who did it.

Pretty sunset in the grocery story parking lot. 

Fun Aldi find.

This Aldi candle smells AMAZE.

I saw this and had to get it for G.

I did a little shopping in the fall clearance section of Big Lots and love my new front door sign.

I love my new Harvest Love sign too.

And my cute wooden pumpkin is a fun addition.

One more little sign to complete my fall décor for now.

G makes the best burgers.

Giving me side eye.

Find the beauty in every day.

Good morning!

Living his best life.

I hope I never take this view for granted.

I wish I took a before picture because it looks so much better.

It felt good to deflate all the rafts, empty out the room, sweep out all the sand and reorganize.

Good grilling weather so we had to take advantage. 

Holiday cups are out!!!!

Sunday I raked up all the leaves around the house, driveway and beach.

This isn't even half of it.

That was a job, but I'm glad it's done.

It tired Manny out just watching us.

Sushi Sunday was definitely earned this week.


Good reminder.

Every single year this shocks me, ha!

This made me laugh.

That is how this week felt, bahaha.

Longest week ever.

So guilty of this.

Pretty please!

I really do love that for us...

Well said.


For more life lately:

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