Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Life Lately: Week 27

This is what the past week looked like.

Manny had to get some shots and unfortunately he get so much anxiety he was drugged this time around.

I picked him up and he was so out of it.

He was walking sideways, running into walls, and had zero energy.

Poor buddy.

Pasta salad for life group.

"The unexamined life is not worth leading." Socrates

Tired pup.

Reading through Joshua.

I made avocado salsa chicken burrito bowls for my girls night.

We had the most perfect night on the water floating and catching up.

"A flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms." Zen Shin 

Iced coffee.

Let the good times roll.

Cucumber martini.

Summer sunset.


"Where flowers bloom so does hope." Lady Bird Johnson

Dinner with a view.

Grilled brats and asparagus with pasta salad.

The quintessential summer dinner.

Manchester United watching Manchester United.

Long hot summer.

"You belong among the wildflowers, you belong somewhere you feel free." Tom Petty

Dog days of summer.

G is getting fancy with his happy hour snacks.

Sunsets will never get old.

Happy fourth of July!


Lake dog.

Coffee tastes better on the weekend.

My sweet Ella girl.

Why do they look so grown up?!

May the fourth be with you!

We had a blast celebrating Bennett's fourth birthday.

He loved his Star Wars themed cake.

My mom is so talented.

Benny was so excited for his party that he sat in his chair by the window waiting for guests to arrive and ran around the party saying "This is my party! Everyone is here for me!"

So sweet.

Beautiful girl.

I got to meet the sweet Roak puppy.

Good eats.

Cutest family.

Looking for trouble.

Baby Yoda snuggles.

I didn't get any pictures, but we had the most epic water balloon fight in the front yard. 

It was so much fun, so refreshing and so nice to laugh so hard.

I spy where Manny hung out all day while we were gone.

This is so sweet!



Haha, right?!

This made me laugh.

It's been a crazy year.


This is a good illustration of how contagious this virus is.

For more life lately:

Week 27 of 2019

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