Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Life Lately: Week 20

This is what the past week looked like.

Just give me coffee and Jesus.

Salmon and veggies over cauliflower rice.

American Idol is weird from home, but I love that they are still doing it.

I'm a big Francisco Martin and Arthur Gunn fan.

May 11th and 35 degrees outside.

It may be cold, but it's still pretty.

I'm tracking all the sunsets on my insta.

Check it out @lindseylovesgarth.

We tried a new sushi restaurant and it was better than our usual place.

Sunrise walks with Manny.

So peaceful.

Giving me side eye.

Cloudless sky.

Jess sent this picture of Ella and Roak and it is just the sweetest.

Oh hi lovelies!

Fly over!

We didn't get the Blue Angels, but we did get the refueling jets.

My little kangaroo.

View from upstairs.

A quick and easy dinner.

Another beautiful evening.

Hot tea and a good book.

Another beautiful sunrise.

G and I started to clean up the beach.

I never knew how much work having a beach is.

We had to rake the leaves out of the water and weed. And weed. And weed.

It looks better, but we still have a few more phases to go.

Sparkling rose happy hour.

Manny photobomb!


G made pasta and we sipped wine and listened to Italian dinner music.

G snapped this picture of Manny and I snoozing.

Night skies.

Tried a new Thai place.

I started a new prayer journal based on Mix and Match Mama's process of separating requests into sections (family, friends, the world, etc) and crossing off as God works.

Such a cool idea, right?!

Donut delivery from G's boss.

My little shadow.

Beer thirty.

Red Lobster take out.

Socially distanced pontoon ride with our neighbors.

It's a different world out on the water.

Here is a little sneak peek of our bathroom basement before we started painting.

My brother, Brad, described it as "If mint chocolate chip ice cream was a room."

And here is the after.

What a difference, right?!

We installed a new light fixture, ordered a new mirror, hardware, bath mat and still need to paint the vanity. 

But progress!

Another start to a great sunset.

So peaceful.

The screened in porch is easily the most used room in our house right now.

Church and membership class.

Pitter patter of the rain.


And tacos!



Don't lose hope.

Good reminder.

The best is yet to come.

Pretty much.

This is my favorite kind of news story.

I can't even imagine being a parent during this time. 

Hats off to all the rock star parents out there!

This is so true right now.

Amazon has everything from paint to furniture to décor and I'm here for it all.


Ahhh the days of wandering the Home Goods aisles.

Good night!

Wow, there really is a potato for every occasion!

For the record I am showering every day.

My parents were supposed to be in California this week so this meme made them laugh extra hard.


So good!


Anyone else?

G likes calculus and didn't appreciate this meme.


For more life lately:

Week 20 of 2019

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