Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Life Lately: Week 9

This is what the past week looked like.

Happy Monday!

G makes the best spaghetti.


Not your typical Tuesday.

Tuna Tartare deliciousness.

New favorite wine.

You know it's good when you buy a bottle to go, ha!

G bought these grapes because they were a product of South Africa.

Meetings are more fun when lunch is provided.

I gave this guy treats in his toy for saving us a trip to the vet (and saving us money!).

He had this awful hang nail that the vet was going to have to do a procedure on...

The next morning we found Manny had bit it off (OUCH!) and his nail was back to normal.

Even the vet couldn't believe it!

Sushi with a friend because FRIDAY.

We stopped by her house afterwards and this sign in her living room made me laugh.

Her sweet cat aggressively wanted attention and when I stopped petting her she grabbed my arm with her paw, ha!

Can't forget her sweet pup.

It has been an icy, cold and snowy week.

upporting Fabricated Customs and great friends.

If you want a soft shirt this is the place to get it.


It was so good to hang out with this pretty lady.

The beer and food at Confluxcity Brewing Company was legit.

Portland, MI is a pretty cool city.

Saturday mood.

I don't know why I can't keep closets clean, but I went on another organizing frenzy this weekend.

Master closet, check!

Pantry, check!

Kitchen cabinets, check!

Basement cabinets, check!

Linen closet, check!


We were wiped.

I heard great things about this movie, but I was kind of disappointed.

For more life lately:

Week 9 of 2019

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