Thursday, August 8, 2019

Life Lately: Week 31

This is what the past week looked like.

Great cloud evening.

I love when the sky turns red during sunset.

G is a Rockstar. 

While I was away last weekend he completely cleaned out the garage. 

It is so spacious and organized now. 


Another day, another burrito bowl.

All day rosé.

Supplier visit perks.

Holy batman!

Live life in full bloom.

I learned a new card game and I'm obsessed.

Sunsets never get old.

Treat yo self.

I splurged on fancy flips and they are like walking on clouds.

Finding the beauty in every day.

Happy August!

My co-workers spoiled me on my birthday.

G spoiled me too.

He took me to Envie for my birthday dinner and we had our own little private room.

Cheers to 36!

The dirty fries to start.

They were delicious, but even better warmed up the next day!

G had the steak and I had the pasta and both were absolutely delish.

We walked around after dinner and explored the capital. 

Why must I always pose with statues?

Lost in the flower maze.

We ended the day with champs at Troppo on the patio.


Coconut marg in my new wine glass (do my friends know me well?) after a long supplier visit.

A wild Friday night.

Starbucks for the win.

Kicked off my birthday weekend at Douglas Beach.

We grabbed the most amazing sandwiches from The Farmhouse Deli and soaked up the sun.

Our VRBO was pretty rad.

I mean, it had a koi pond!

The gardens were immaculate. 

Beer tasting o'clock.

Beer cheese burger at Saugatuck Brewing.

Live music? Yes please!

Here's to happy.

Coffee in the garden.

Brunch at Everyday People Café.

Shrimp and Scallop Ceviche. 

A beautiful day in western Michigan.

Live music at Borrowed Time.

You had me at hydrangea.

Downtown Douglas is so adorable.

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