Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Life Lately: Week 14

This is what the past week looked like.

Girl's night!

Chicken Fajitas for the win.

I love these girls so much.

Somebody got a new toy. 

These Nourish Bowls are so stinkin' good.

I almost always fill my gas tank up when it gets to a quarter tank so this was a very rare occurrence. 

G and I were so excited to see Vertical Marriage by Dave and Ann Wilson on Amazon. They are phenomenal teachers and I have no doubt this book will be amazing. 

Fun Fact: We went to Kensington most of our dating years and we were married there.

We tried a new Thai restaurant and it was delicious.

The addition at work is really coming along.

This guy.

Grilling season is here!

Spring skies.

Eesh. This really hit me hard.

I probably say this every year, but this year's talent on American Idol is the best it's ever been.

Laci Kaye Booth's version of "I Want You To Want You" blew me away. 

Supplier visit perks.

God is good.

A sweet gift from my boss.

Friday night and the mood is bright.

You snooze, you lose.

It is well with my soul.

Foggy Saturday morning.

Doesn't it look like Manny is listening too?

First coffee on the deck.

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

We checked out another new church and I think it might be the one.

Proudly the first patio guests of the year at one of our fave restaurants.

Spinach and artichoke deliciousness. 

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