Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Life Lately: Week 5

Here is what the past week looked like. 

The week started with a big snow storm. We got a good nine to ten inches.

I thought last week was cold, ha! 

But there was sunshine.

Wednesday the wind chill made it feel like -34 degrees. CRAZY.

With all the snow and freezing temps the roads were terrible so I worked from home all week.

Not a bad view while I worked.

This poor thing didn't get a walk for two whole weeks because of the cold and the snow/ice.

I made chicken enchiladas and they were delicious.

We made tropical drinks to help get through the bitter coldness.

We played cards and listened to Elvis Presley radio.

I took hot baths.

We watched  lots of New Girl which is our current favorite show to watch together. So. Funny.

I ate the most delicious quinoa for lunch. See also: I love working from home!

I cleaned out my bathroom closet. It's not perfect, but it's so much more organized than it was.

I cleaned out the pantry which was much needed and felt so good.

Being stuck inside all week helped us eat everything in our fridge and freezer.

Manny was not a fan of the cold. He was cuddled up with blankets or next to the fire as much as possible.

My aunt sent G this birthday card and the dog looks so much like Manny!

We had some really great sunsets.

I saw this on social media and it is so true. Between G and I being sick and then all the cold weather and snow I was ready for January to go. 

By Friday I hadn't left the house in a week so it was time to re-enter the world. G and I grocery shopped and went to the brewery for dinner.

Saturday we hosted my family. We had a champagne toast to celebrate Jess' new job. I made this chili and it was a hit.

The weather was in the 40s (YAAS!) so we went sledding with the kids.

It was so much fun. We laughed so much and it just felt so good to breathe fresh air.

I'm not sure who had more fun outside, the adults or the kids. 



This snow made a great seat and cup holder, bahaha!


The day of fun wouldn't be complete without burying Brad in the snow, ha!

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