Thursday, January 17, 2019

19 for 2019

I love a fresh and sparkly new year with endless possibilities ahead. An opportunity to hit restart and decide what I want to accomplish this next year. It’s an exciting time!

Here are 19 things for 2019 I plan to do this year.

19. Get a credit card. I know so many friends who get “free money” from credit cards and I want to get in on that! 

18. Try one new restaurant a month. We live in a really cool area close to a lot of great restaurants, but we always go to our “favorites.” I think this will be a fun way to do date nights.

17. Embrace minimalism. I started to embrace minimalism, but with the holidays it fell by the way side and it's time to reorganize and purge. G is on board which will be super helpful. I'm ready to take it room by room and get rid of anything that doesn't bring joy.

16. Strength train two to three times a week. I have been doing 21 Day Fix workouts and I forgot how hard they are, but I like it.

15. Plan a few vacations this year. I’m in a wedding in Boston (so excited!!!) this spring and a bachelorette party in Florida which will be a blast. G and I also want to plan a trip just the two of us. We are leaning towards Vegas, but we’ll see.

14. Read Body Kindness and Intuitive Eating. This is a carryover from last year. I’m reading a chapter a week of Body Kindness right now and once I finish I’ll start Intuitive Eating.

13. Get more flexible. I recently read how flexibility and balance are so important as we age so I’ve implemented a few days dedicated to yoga and stretching.

12. Read 3 books per month. I slacked on this goal the second half of last year so I’m implementing it again because I love to read and I want to make more time for it.

11. Try one new recipe a week. I find the new recipe and grocery shop and G cooks. So far we have tried Chilii, Chicken Enchiladas and Chicken Scampi.

10. Drink less. G and I have cut back on drinking and it feels so good. I sleep so much better!

9. Start my side hustle. My dream is to buy a domain name and up my blogging game. It is taking a lot of research, but if there is a will there is a way.

8. Find a church community to call home. This was on my list for last year and it didn’t get done so we are making it more of a priority this year.

7. Get involved. Once we find a church we want to get involved in a small group and volunteering as well. 

6. Move every day. I walk on lunch with a few girlfriends every day and walk Manny most days.

5. Eat at the dinner table each night. G and I have a new tradition where we eat dinner at the table and then play a few card games afterwards. It’s a nice way to wind down from the day.

4. Read two chapters per week of a self-development book. I’m currently reading You are Badass by Jen Sincero.

3. Memorize one Bible verse per week. Right now I'm memorizing Deuteronomy 31:8.

2. Make my grandma’s lasagna. I’ve had the recipe for YEARS and I still haven’t made it. SHAME. ON. ME. It’s so good! I want to get comfortable making it so it can be my new go to when hosting.

1. Be present. I want to remember as much as possible to just be present. Soak up the moment. Put down my phone. Laugh. Notice the little things. Show up. Engage. Listen. Relax. Give it to God and stop worrying. Enjoy this one beautiful, precious life we get.

What do you want to accomplish this year?

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