Thursday, December 6, 2018

Life Lately

What a difference a day makes! The day after we got back from TC we got seven inches of snow. SEVEN. It was a beast to shovel, but it sure is pretty.

G had to drive in that snow storm to Chicago for work. He made it safe and sound, praise Jesus! The city sure is gorgeous at Christmas time.

Manny and I enjoyed some quiet evenings in. I started watching Hallmark Christmas movies and they just make my heart so happy.

Friday night we went to our neighbors' house for game night. It was one of those nights you laugh so much your cheeks hurt. So good for the soul!

Saturday G and I went to Mitchell's Fish Market. I'm not usually a big chain restaurant fan, but I'm obsessed with this place. They have great cocktails and amazing food.

Then I braved the craziness to get $8.95 candles from Bath and Body Works. I had a $10 off coupon so they were actually only $6.45 each which is a steal! Naturally, I had to stock up.

On Saturday it was also time to finally start our Aldi wine advent calendar. Day one was Prosecco, day two was Cab Sauv, day three was Chardonnay and day four was Pinot Grigio. They have all been really delicious.

Sunday was 50 degrees out so we took Manny for a long hike and it was glorious.

He was a tired pup. We spent the rest of the day relaxing while it down poured outside. Thunderstorms in December? Weird!

We put up our tree next to the kitchen to change it up this year. It's not my favorite spot, but it is out of the way which is nice.

G made this recipe for Copy Cat Olive Garden Chicken Scampi this week and it was delicious! We will definitely be making this again, yum!

Tuesday night my mom and I went to dinner and the theater for a fun little date night. We went to our favorite sushi place and it was legit.

Then we saw Fiddler on the Roof. I love seeing shows with my mama!

The show was SO GOOD. Everyone was so talented and the dancing was my most favorite part. It was amazing!

Speaking of Fiddler, this version of To Life by Lin-Manuel Miranda for his bride just makes me so happy.

My mom brought Starbucks which was a nice treat after a late night!

So that's life lately. It's been fun and full this holiday season. To life! To love!

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