Thursday, October 18, 2018

Life Lately

Manny went to the groomer's and came back looking more handsome than ever.

The sunrise the other day took my breath away!

This sunset from the weekend was a good one too.

G and I walked down to the local brewery the other day. I'm digging their Oktoberfest beer right now. 'Tis the season!

This flower garden by our house is a favorite for sure. It always makes me so happy to see all the flowers in bloom.

I'm digging this quote. I signed up for the Last 90 Day Challenge and this was the first quote sent out and it really struck me. It's just so true.

It's been rainy lately so Manny has been rocking his rain jacket.

I have a confession. I have never watched or read anything Harry Potter. I'm getting major peer pressure and my coworker let me borrow the first book. It's time!

Last week it was in the 80s. In October! My parents were in town and we walked over to the brewery and sat outside for a few hours. We talked. Laughed. Drank beer. Ate good food. It was perfection.

My crazy co-workers did it again. They decorated my cube for Halloween. Last year my whole cube was a spider web and this year it's all skeletons.

Speaking of my coworkers, we all went out celebrate a sweet friend turning 30. Good times.

G brought me home flowers. Swoooon.

I treated myself to Starbucks.

We went from 80 degree weather to 40 degree weather. Sweater and fireplace weather!

G and I had a free week membership at this fancy gym. I swam every day and then treated myself to a protein shake. It was a lot of fun!

G made Stuffed Peppers last night and they were a hit. Yay for leftovers tonight!

We had a date night this week which is always a great time.

So I recently found out TJ Maxx is THE place to get dog toys and it's true. Manny got a few new toys that he hasn't destroyed yet, that he loves to play with and were easy on the wallet. Win win win!

That's life lately. What's new with you?

1 comment:

  1. He looks very handsome in his bandana! The sunsets have been stunning this October! I think it has something to do with how warm it's been!
