Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Flashback: Parents' Visit

For three weeks in June my parents stayed with us because their house had sold and their new house was still being built. It was such a sweet time!

This was my bedroom growing up. It was so strange to see it empty. It was strange seeing the whole house empty and realizing this was the last time I would be there. I didn't get emotional, but it just felt weird.

We miss my parents, but I'm sure Manny misses them the most.

He was spoiled rotten when they were here. He tricked them into thinking he could sit on the furniture (ha!). He got two walks a day. He had company all day long. He was living his best life!

We miss having my parents around too because we had so much fun together. We had happy hours on the deck.

We explored downtown East Lansing and ate good food.

We enjoyed happy hour.

We wine tasted.

We walked downtown for dinner and ice cream.

We spent many nights in cooking and we played cards almost every night.

It seriously was so much fun and it just went so quick! We had the best time and made so many good memories. They were the best house guests and we would welcome them back anytime. It even got us thinking about renting that space out with airbnb.

Have you rented a room out on airbnb? How did you go? Would you recommend it?

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