Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Currently July 2017

I got this blog idea from Tracy and thought I would try it out. July was a crazy month so lets get to it!

INSPIRED BY: This epic sunrise from last week. A sunrise AND a rainbow. Mind blown!

WATCHING: I just finished Parks and Rec and it was amazing. I love Leslie Knope and am just so inspired by her. I think the ending to this show was absolutely perfect and now I want to watch it all over again.

I also finished Bloodline and was disappointed on how that show ended. It just got too dark and depressing and I hate to say it, but I can see why it got cancelled. Season 1 was by far the best.

Now I'm onto season 3 of How to get Away with Murder and it's so good. I'm sucked in and can't wait to watch more.

READING: I just finished All We Ever Wanted by Emily Giffin and it was okay. I wanted to know what happened. It wasn't Giffin's usual story line, but it was captivating. I just wished for a bit more from the ending. It was a little disappointing, but still an interesting read.

THINKING ABOUT: Being healthy! I am starting to feel myself again. I've had walking pneumonia this entire month and it's been exhausting. It started with flu like symptoms that kept me in bed the first weekend. Then I got this terrible cough that would wake me up in the night and just would not get better. I finally called the doctor and was put on antibiotics and that made me drowsy, dizzy and foggy. I'm finally done with the medicine and finally have my energy back. My cough is finally going away and I'm on the road to recovery.

LISTENING TO: The Lion King soundtrack. We went to the show last weekend so all month we listened to the soundtrack to get ready for it. I think I may have had too high expectations because I was a bit disappointed in it. However, the opening scene with Circle of Life was so beautiful I cried.

DREAM LIFE: I usually never remember my dreams. It's rare when I do and last week I actually woke up upset because I had a dream Manny died. UGH. More like a nightmare and I much prefer not remembering thankyouverymuch.

DRINKING/EATING: We had fun this month trying out a few new restaurants. Walking to a few favorites. G has been grilling a lot of chicken, brats and steak. Rose happy hour on the deck.  Ahhh I love summertime!

So that was July! How was your month?

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