Monday, January 15, 2018

2018 Intentions

Happy New Year! I'm a little late to the game thanks to the flu that had me holed up in bed for two weeks. I have finally recovered and I'm heading into the new year like Manny in fresh fallen snow.

I love a new year. Clean slate. Fresh start. So I couldn't resist sharing my intentions for each category of my life for this new year.

Body: Lift weights two to three times a week.

I want to be strong and this movement is joyful for me so I want to incorporate it into my lifestyle and make it a habit this year. I think lighting a candle and listening to a podcast will help make this movement more enjoyable and something I can stick to this year.

Health: Read Body Kindness and Intuitive Eating (with workbook).

I want to be intentional with eating and movement. I want to get away from the diet mentality of our culture. I want to focus on healing my relationship with my body image once and for all. My plan right now is to read a chapter a week of Body Kindness and take the time to deep dive and do all the journal exercises. I finished chapter one this week and it was so good for my soul.

Food: Eat what I love and be mindful.

Part of letting go of the diet mentality is listening to my body and feeding it what makes me feel good. What satisfies. Without counting calories or points. It brings freedom and joy and is a key to intuitive eating. I want to choose foods that are delicious and satiating. I want to be mindful of what I'm eating and savor every bite. Right now I'm obsessed with buttered toast with a hard boiled egg for breakfast.

Mind: Read more books.

The more I know myself the more I realize I love reading. It is such a vital part of self-care for me. It brings me joy and fulfillment. I just read The Marriage Lie (in one day!) and it was so fun to get lost in the suspense and the need to know what happened. I usually average about 36 books a year and this year I would like to read 50 books.

Discover: Travel more.

Last year was all about the house. House projects. Selling. Packing. Purging. Moving. This year I want to be about discovering new places. For our anniversary this year we are going to South Beach for seven days of relaxation, sun and fun. I'm excited to explore a new city and escape the cold winter. We are also in the process of getting our passports so we can plan an international trip this fall. 

Spiritual: Find a new church community.

I think we will feel more at home and settled in our new city once we find a church home. A place we look forward to going every Sunday. A place to get connected, join a small group and start serving. I know it takes patience and time and I trust we will find the right fit for us this year.

Marriage: More date nights.

We are celebrating ten years of marriage this year. TEN. A decade! Time flies when you're in love. And work hard at your relationship and make it a priority. I want to be more present when I'm with G. Put my phone away. Savor the time together. Ask questions. Keep learning about him. Keep exploring and going on adventures with him. I don't want to ever take our relationship for granted. I want to keep falling more in love with him everyday. More date nights. More laughter. More fun.

Passion: Clutter free my life.

It started with freeing myself from negative and toxic people. Surrounding myself with people who lift me up and make me my best self. After moving last year and purging most of what we owned I realized how freeing it is to get rid of clutter. To minimize possessions to what brings joy and what I use everyday. Even after six months in the new house I found we had 10 boxes in our basement storage unopened. Unopened! Over Christmas break I went through all the boxes and had 7 boxes of donations. It feels so good to remove clutter and have empty space.

Serving: Show up.

So many times someone is hurting and going through a hard time and I overthink what to do for them and end up doing nothing. I want to change that. I want to just be there. Show up. Offer a listening ear. Bring a meal. Send a text that I'm thinking and praying for them. 

What are your intentions this year?

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