Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Life Lately

The sunsets have been unreal lately.

Darn those buy one, get ones at Biggby. Gets me and my coworker every time!

I went out with coworkers for sushi last week and it was amaze.

I'm on a major wine flight kick on our date nights. Four cheers for Chardonnay all the way!

This Carbonara risotto was insanely delicious. 

Dry champagne Rosé is bomb!

I'm adulting so hard right now because I'm obsessed about my new dining room table I bought on Wayfair. It's so cute and I'm counting down the days until it delivers.

This past weekend we celebrated Bennett's first birthday. My mom made the cake and cookies. She did an amazing job!!

Bennett liked the cake too!

The highlight of the party was the water balloon fight. Ella went after Uncle G.

Then G went after Ella, ha!

Such a great party. My SIL did an amazing job! 

Since my brother was in town from Chicago for the party we hosted a little get together the following day so everyone could see our new house. We gave the tour and ate pizza on the deck.

We had a fox draw-off. It was Brad vs. Jess and Ella declared Jess the winner.

My people! LOVE.

We headed to the park after lunch for some fun on the playground. 

The swings were a huge hit!

As were the musical instruments.

Such a fun family filled weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. Your house looks like things are in great shape, love the deck! And that park looks amazing, musical instruments!?! Fun! And happy birthday Bennett :)
