Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Life Lately

G and I ate killer sushi this past week.

The day we found out the closing on our new house would be delayed a week we were super bummed, but we saw this rainbow. A reminder of God's promises. God is always good all the time.

What do you do when you are supposed to be moving into your new house? Wine taste, of course!

We finally tried this adorable winery we drive by everyday and it was so much fun. Everyone was so friendly, the wine was delicious, the atmosphere was relaxing and we will be back.

The house is all packed up, but since we have an extra week I unpacked a candle. It really does make such a difference having a candle lit. It makes everything cozy and makes all the boxes less chaotic.

We have all been cuddling up on this one chair since it's pretty much the only furniture we have left. That is Manny at my feet, ha! He doesn't want to be left out, of course.

G got up and Manny immediately took his place. It made me laugh so hard the way he moved so fast to get in on the couch action. 

Saturday we finished cleaning out the garage, cleaned the house and then celebrated with beers on the deck. G had a pineapple IPA and I had a watermelon ale. They were just okay which was a bummer because we were so excited to try them.

While we were sitting on the deck we heard a loud crack and ran out front. Our neighbors' tree had fallen on the corner of our garage! Luckily no one was hurt and there wasn't any structural damage. Since we already closed on this house and are renting we had to tell the new owners which was stressful. But they were so gracious and understanding. It truly hit us this is not our house anymore and it was a helpless feeling knowing there was nothing we could do. See also: poor new owners of this house! Their very first house and this happens, welcome to home ownership! UGH.

I gave you a sneak peak of our master bath here, but here is another peak at the new house. Our kitchen! I finally get my white kitchen!

Still on an ice cream kick. Such a fun little treat after dinner on the deck. Halo Top Cookie Dough is my jam and G is into the Strawberry.

G had an Outback Steakhouse gift card so we went for drinks and dinner and were just not impressed. The food was just okay. The drinks were watered down. The service was mediocre. And it was expensive! At the risk of sounding snobby, I'm over chain restaurants.

We celebrated Father's Day on Sunday with the family. It had been a while so it was so good to see everyone. I am blessed to have the BEST dad in the world and it was fun to celebrate him. Also, Ella and Bennett are the cutest and I had so much fun spending quality time with them.

We came home and watched La La Land and ate Thai food. I had super high hopes for this movie and was disappointed. I love a great musical, but I just wasn't digging the music or singing. I did love the dancing though.

So that's life lately. Another week of renting. Wine tasting. Sushi date nights. Deck sitting. Rainbow sighting. Family time. Making lemonade out of lemons. How are you?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, your kitchen is beautiful. I cat believe it about the tree on the garage, that's awful!!
