Wednesday, March 29, 2017

March Book Review

If you missed my previous book reviews click here and here.

I read A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams and it was my favorite book of the month. I wasn't sure what I would think because it took place in the 1930s. I'm not the biggest fan of books set far back (I know, weird!) but I think I'm going to reconsider now. This book was so interesting. The second half of the book I just could not put it down and had to find out how it all ended. Highly recommend!

I finished One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. I read about half of this book last winter and lost interest. I found it cleaning out a closet and decided to pick it up again and I'm so glad I did. Her personal story is powerful and her challenge to look around and be grateful for everything (especially the small things) was inspiring. So inspiring that I actually started a Notes page on my phone to write three things I'm grateful for every morning when I wake up. I'm already noticing what a difference in my day it makes when I start the day counting by blessings. 

Lastly, I read The Husband Project by Kathi Lipp. A girlfriend reached out to me and another girlfriend to see if we wanted to read it and hold each other accountable on the projects. Of course yes! I just finished the book and I already know it's going to be such a blessing for me. I'm guilty of complaining during my precious quality time with G so I'm excited to use these projects to get me out of that funk, change my mindset and be more intentional with him. We meet next week to discuss the projects and how we are going to implement them so maybe I'll do a recap of my 21 days with G if you guys are interested.

What have you been reading? 
Has anyone done The Husband Project?

1 comment:

  1. I'm a husband project failure :( I got it and never did anything! Waaah! But I really want to show my husband how important he is to me. Would be interested to see how your journey goes
