Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Life Lately

This winter has just been unbelievable. Warm and the least amount of snow I have ever seen. And the sunsets? Unreal.

Some weeks we eat takeout every night and some weeks we cook every night. This past week we cooked a lot and it was good. Grilled chicken, grilled Brussels and TJ's quinoa. YUM.

I went to lunch with suppliers last week and this coaster was too awesome not to share. I love a good pun.

I met a sweet friend for drinks and dinner last week. It was so good to catch up on life, laugh, and hang out. It had been too long so it was great to catch up.

Friday night we hosted a few friends for dinner. Time got away from us and we haven't seen each other in YEARS so it was nice to catch up, reconnect, laugh, and talk about life. I can't wait to do it again soon! 

Last Saturday was low key. We did a few chores, walked Manny and rested after a long work week. G and I watched Finding Dory and The Shallows and both movies were very good. Totally different kinds of moves, ha! But both very enjoyable. Highly recc!

Sunday we went to church. The sermon was on peace and it was just what I needed. I had been meditating on Psalm 34:14 the past few days so it was appropriate to hear an amazing sermon on how to seek and pursue peace. I am such a worrier and I've been feeling very convicted lately on how much I let worrying consume me. This was just what I needed to refocus.

After church we went out for sushi. So. Good. The company and conversation was great too. I love the deep talks G and I have after the service. 

So that's life lately. Girls night. Winter sunsets. Hosting good friends. Movie watching. Church. Sushi. Life is good. 

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